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Cisco for Corporate LAN, HP for CCTV- Good Idea?

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Hi Folks


Can you assist?


We have yet to procure the CCTV network infrastructure equipment. (Cisco is preferred choice)


The corporate side will be Cisco.


The CCTV network will be physically separate apart from a router between both systems.


Would you consider using a different vendor for the CCTV network e.g. HP if you had the choice and what can you see as the major issues?


The VMS/Storage will all be on the CCTV LAN.


Appreciate your thoughts and comments.



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How many cameras are we talking about in this system? Choice of switch will largely depend on how much traffic it has to handle... brand isn't really relevant, as much as actual capacity.


With installations up to 8 cameras, we've found the Cisco SFE-1000P and its successors to be a really solid performer... but that choice was originally made mainly on availability (it was the only one our supplier had in its price range, that fit the specs we needed). We stuck with it because it works well, but that doesn't mean there aren't other options out there. Again, the main concern is switching capacity: I've seen a multi-megapixel, multi-camera system have issues because of using cheap switches that don't have the backplane to handle the traffic.

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IP Cameras get a bad rap as a bandwidth hog which they are not.


If it was me I would analise the existing network Infrastructure and offer the owner the option of using his existing network and Just Vlan the video system. It would save him big $$$$$ and save rack space if his IS staff is on board with it.


We have several customers that have cameras all over the campus using the existing network without issues.

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Hi Folks


Great replies.


700-800 cameras



90% recording at 12FPS, CIF, 24X7X180 (180 days storage)

10% recording at 24FPS, 4CIF, 24X7X180 (180 days storage)


The networks must be separate and we will connect a router and FW between both of them.


Professional switches must be used e.g enterprise grade.


My real question is would you do this if-


There was no cost advantage between Cisco and HP as you would need , better trained staff on both systems, two Service agreements and two sets of spares?


Also confusion when something was failing, perhaps, depends on staff


Comments welcome.

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My real question is would you do this if-


There was no cost advantage between Cisco and HP as you would need , better trained staff on both systems, two Service agreements and two sets of spares?


Also confusion when something was failing, perhaps, depends on staff

Honestly, that's something only you and your own IT staff can answer. We don't know how your company handles training, what service agreements you have, what suppliers you use, or what pricing you can get.


All we can tell you is that there's no functional difference to your CCTV LAN that depends on the brand of switch - the cameras don't care if it's Cisco, HP, Trendnet, D-Link, or Wal-Mart brand. Just check the specs, makes sure it's capable of handling the traffic, and your network will be fine... the rest are logistics that your company will have to work out for themselves.

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