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Home installation

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I have installed a system in my house, 2 cameras and a DVR system. I have installed the system upstairs and it has a BNC video output.


I have purchased a BNC cable with a Scart adaptor, however my problem is that i am intending on using the existing arial cable that runs through the walls,


Is this cable any use?


Is there any way of wirelessly transmitting the video picture from the BNC output to the TV downstairs?


When i use the exisitng arial cable with joints i get Horizontal flicker?


Any help appreciated



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The cable in your walls is most likely NOT suitable for CCTV images.

The horizontal flicker you see is probably due to a cable mismatch.


In theory, you could use a wireless video sender through the VGA input of your TV,

but I've never tried that so I can't confirm it would work?

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we sell wireless senders. The cheap ones are very inconsistent. The expensive ones are ok but still inconsistent at times. It really depends on the radio interference in your area. In the long run its not worth it for real security purposes.


There is also a technology I haven't used yet. Its called Video over Powerline. Its good for only 1 camera and it runs through your existing homes power system.

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