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QVIS Atlantis DVR Mobile Viewing - Help Needed

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I have a QVIS Atlantis DVR. I can remote access the DVR to view my cameras, over the web, I however, am not able to set it up using gDMSS on my device. In the NetService settings on my DVR it has the mobile monitor option which I have enabled, however, I cant seem to connect to the port listed. Any help would be appreciated.



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Thats because the QVIS Atlantis will only work with it's own dedicated app. according to QVIS.

Personally I think it's very petty but they have built it so that it can only work with their app.


QVIS I think that was a very petty thing to do! Shame on you QVIS!

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Thats because the QVIS Atlantis will only work with it's own dedicated app. according to QVIS.

Personally I think it's very petty but they have built it so that it can only work with their app.


QVIS I think that was a very petty thing to do! Shame on you QVIS!



I´m searching this app but there isn´t everywhere.

Can anyone give me a link for buy this, please???

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it will be from the App store if and when released


But don't hold your breath I was told on the 1st June it will be two weeks as Apple have to sign it off.... Phoned again today and was told two weeks from now... I think this is there standard response.


DVR only works in windows needs activeX, so no viewing on standard MAC without running parellels

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The range has been promised here for months it was supposed to be here last month and now it's supposed to be here on the 29th of this month. I hope the app will be available as it's almost universally required by clients. It's almost as if it were a status issue with some of them. Personally I feel it's bad enough that we can't escape mobile phones even in the toilet, now we are being asked to provide CCTV over mobile phones in the toilet.


UPDATE: I hope the delivery date is accurate, I have two orders for this stuff and no other work on the cards so I'm sitting waiting on the discovery DVRs

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The App for the LX/Discovery series won't work with gDMSS.


This is because these units have a completely different OS, and the Apps come from a ompletely different source.


They're up on the google play store (Apollo LX and Discovery CLient) They were also put through to Apple but since Apple vets everything they're taking their own sweet time with it


At the moment it looks like it's very much with the late Mr Jobs.

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Right, and there is a LOT of dissatisfaction from iPhone users about such issues.

I think Apple's arrogant "in our own good time" attitude is shooting themselves in the foot

and they barely realize it. More fool you Apple

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I know what you mean,


Sadly, much like Micros***e back in the early days it'll probably take a slap round the proverbial chops to bring em round to the realities of customer dissatisfaction

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