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Wireless point-to-point bridge newbie here!

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Long story short, the nature of my business is integrated security over large, open areas of land, and my installations will typically include a wireless bridge, sometimes point to multi point.


I feel as though my business is losing out on significant revenue by outsourcing these portions of my projects, and I would like to know from some of you more-seasoned wireless technicians, where should I begin with introducing this to my business?


-Is there a vendor where the equipment is less specialized, more user friendly and easier to setup/configure?


Most of my solutions are cloud-based, but I do use onsite DVR's often, and are there any DVR/NVR's you would recommend integrating with this solution best?


Sorry that was so long, but any help is greatly appreciated!



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For our Larger Civic Wireless Applications we use Proxim 8xxx series primary radios on towers, and 81xx subscriber radios at remote locations. this is a 300MB/50MB solution out to about 5 miles given clear views. Proxim also makes excellent P/T Bridges. Proxim, and now others are offering a special hybrid frequency hopping encoding within the 2/5 frequencies to protect the transmissions while still using unlicensed freqs.


Another player on the market, with a proprietary encoding method, at a significant cost advantage is Microtik. they have an extensive network of worldwide consultants and resellers. The upper solution can exceed 8K quite easily, while a similar solution with MT might not exceed 3K...


MT also has a very capable, and free SNMP / Router management system called DUDE.


there is a place for each of these solutions, and experience determines the choice..


Cheers - Andrew

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Long time no post from me Just searching to see what others were doing/have done with wireless having just sorted my own.


Admittedly it is only a short (50m) wireless distance, but culdnt go wired at this point due to the cable having to cross driveways and gardens, so went wireless until building works are carried out.


I got an avigilon external dome (2mp) running at 30fps across a wireless bridge that cost around £70 ($100 or so). POE injector at the camera location to avoid having to run power and data to the cam.


two access points, one in client mode, both with the addition of an external directional antenna - job done.


Mine is just a domestic installation, so not using commercial grade equipment (though I see no reason why my solution wouldnt work for smaller commercial installations) but thought I'd post up just in case there were any others looking at implememnting wireless within small scale solutions

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