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New Guy with some questions...

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Hi everyone! I found this forum and hope the information I receive will help me decide upon the right system for my business. I have a 12,000 sqft bld that I also live in. I want to install CCTV in the shop area and around the exterior. I was looking at one of those Schwan systems, then I stumbled upon this forum hoping there is something better suited for my situation. I have a mechanic shop inside the building along with a showroom. I want to be able to see the workers at all times and at night security for the exterior. There is also a parking lot directly across the street that I want to keep and eye on. I saw the PTZ camera and thought that one of those might work well for that. If anybody has any suggestions then I am all ears. I was figuring on 8-12 cameras total. Thanks in advance for all you help.



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Joe, two comments, well three really


1. Swann (I think you meant) are not good value and are problematic.

2. PTZ cameras aren't any better than a static camera unless they are being monitored by someone.

You can put them in "patrol mode" but setting up triggers and alarm is beyond the typical DIYer.


3. You should avail yourself of the services of a professional installer who can recommend supply and install

a system that will really work well. This is how you will get the best value for money out of your investment.

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I see Numb-nuts has been paying attention in class


Like he says, for a facility that size, and for protecting your business, your best bet it to have a professional come in and look at it. If you're particularly handy with hooking up electronics though, we can provide some guidance here - some photos or drawings or Google Earth screenshots of the building, marked up with your areas of concern, may be helpful.


One word of caution: if you want to do this RIGHT, you're going to have to adjust your expected budget from whatever that Swann system was, because I guarantee it WILL be higher.

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I see Numb-nuts has been paying attention in class


Like he says, for a facility that size, and for protecting your business, your best bet it to have a professional come in and look at it. If you're particularly handy with hooking up electronics though, we can provide some guidance here - some photos or drawings or Google Earth screenshots of the building, marked up with your areas of concern, may be helpful.


One word of caution: if you want to do this RIGHT, you're going to have to adjust your expected budget from whatever that Swann system was, because I guarantee it WILL be higher.


If you want to save some money and are handy, then you could ask the supplier to reduce the installation cost to have you help him/ her do it. That way you can be assured of a good job and save some money. Obviously, the installer has to be willing to do this, I know I do it on occasion to help clients stretch their budgets. Some will just refuse.

One thing you can be sure of planning is the key to success and for that experience cannot be overlooked. Get a pro in

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