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Prevented a car break in this morning and gathered Images

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At about 5 am this morning, I heard the beeping of my DVR telling me it's recording something.

I always take a look out the window and it's usually a cat or dog walker, but this morning I saw some

scrote just about to break the side window of my neighbour's car. I lifted the curtain wide and knocked

on the glass only to see the perpetrator make off on a bicycle that he'd left conveniently in the road.

I telephoned police emergency (999 in the UK) and was able to give a description of him and the

direction he made off in. After this I started to review the footage, I found that not only had he tried

my immediate neighbour's car he'd also tried my car and another neighbour's car before deciding on

which car to target. The idiot was not wearing gloves and was seen placing his hand on my car's side

window so police are coming along later to see if they can get his prints.


While I was relieved that he hadn't broken my side window, I was also a bit insulted thinking

"whats wrong with my car, not good enough for you" ?


I can't upload any footage yet, until the police are finished their enquiry, but I hope to after the police

are finished. The officer that attended to get the CCTV disk from me, said that a local police officer will

probably know this perpetrator. She also said that it's a very slim chance that they could make a case of

'Vehicle Tampering' but with the evidence they have now, they may well get the guy to plead guilty as

these guys know pleading gets them more lenient treatment by the courts.

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They seem to use bikes very often, it's because they can make a fast getaway,

across parkland, through alleys etc. The bike can also be used as a ladder to start them

climbing walls etc



The Scene of crimes (SOC) officer has just been to dust for fingerprints and dodn't find anything, but she told me that an arrest was made, thank goodness the camera that captured the perpetrator's face was recording at 25 fps or I might not have captured the scrote's face. However he'll probably get a caution as no break in took place


This is the video from my general view camera, it doesn't identify anyone so I can post it here.

See how he approaches on his bike, looks in and after making a decision this is his target, he goes into the road and looks to see if there's anyone about then leave the bike in the road and goes to break in. Suddenly he abandons the target and makes off because I showed myself at the window and knocked on the window, to stop him breaking the door glass



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Cool. I think they just look for anything that may be of value laying around in the car, mostly. Locked cars usually prevent that type of crime of opportunity, unless the object of affection is SO valuable they bash through and grab. But very cool you got a shot of him. My neighbors have come to love my ptz out front. With it's auto tracking and scanning, it's truly a neighborhood crime watch dynamo all on it's own!

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You can clearly see him pull his sleeve down before he grabs the handle. Wow... next time send a few paint balls in his direction!


Yeah I never thought of that non-lethal method


In retrospect, he obviously didn't see the CCTV warning signs so I am now considering

placing a few more in-ya-face signs so they cannot be missed. The whole point of my

CCTV scheme is to deter and clearly it needs to be more obvious even to numbskulls like my idiot this morning.

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And yet the UK gov spends all its time telling us that kids are lazy and stay in bed all day, this one was up at 5:30am.

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And yet the UK gov spends all its time telling us that kids are lazy and stay in bed all day, this one was up at 5:30am.


Probably still drunk from an evening in the pub.

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