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Panasonic WV CK 2020 doesn't display video from EyeSurv

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Hi everyone, based on my research here I purchased an Dahua professional DVR with 8ch recording. I hooked it up to our Panasonic WV CK 2020 and it doesn't display anything at all. This monitor used to work with our AvTech DVR and still does but not the Dahua. We tried lowering the resolution to 1024x768 but still no luck. Any idea what the problem could be?



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professional DVR



these units are best run on wide screen monitors.



have you tried pluging a camera direct into your monitor to see what you get.

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I tried hooking it up to a computer LCD screen through a RGB in and it worked.

I didn't want to go to the trouble\expense of replacing our 2 monitors now...

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The resolution settings should have little effect - the composite video inputs on the monitor will only accept NTSC video at 525 lines. Try setting the DVR to output 640x480 - it's possible the AVtech would only output the lower res on the composite output, while the Dahua is trying to produce higher.


Nevertheless, the electricity costs to run that monitor for a week would probably offset the cost of a new 19" LCD monitor... do yourself a favor and upgrade.


(Okay, just did the math: 75W consumption = 54kWh in a month. Around here we average about 8 cents per kWh... $6.75/mo. to run that beast, or $81/year. For $79 I can get an eMachine 18.5" widescreen LCD monitor at Staples, which only pulls 20W.)

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Dahua has 1024x768 as the lowest resolution...

If I was to upgrade does that mean I would need to change the cabling from BNC cables to other types too?

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Dahua has 1024x768 as the lowest resolution...

If I was to upgrade does that mean I would need to change the cabling from BNC cables to other types too?





hi. yes you will need to go vga ................ is your monitor close to your dvr ???


also if you go vga on a good monitor you will see the quality .... even much better than your old avtech

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The first monitor is close to the DVR although the cabling goes through the wall. The issue is the second monitor which is in another room. Currently the first monitor has a video out that feeds the second monitor.

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