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recovering old footage?

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I am the manager of a store that has a SC21CD5444UQ model CCTV for footage. On Saturday, 7/7/12, someone stole something from us. I watched it on the video playback. I called the owner to have someone come up and pull the footage but she didn't have anyone to do it that day. This morning, I went to check the footage and it was gone! Made my stomach sink, for sure! Is there a way to recover this footage at all?

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If the 80 gig drive was not replaced with a larger drive and your system is set for looping record that lead it to be recorded over then the answer is no . You may want to consider a networked DVR with an online backup option " title="Applause" /> . I am sorry to hear that this issue was not a solvable one.

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Did you watch the event on the dvr itself or from a computer? If from a computer it's possible the video is sitting in a folder somewhere - maybe a download folder created by the DVR software or a Windows temp folder.

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