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Cameras and neighbors

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I'm planning out my new house install, currently have a few cameras at the old house placed in rather hard to see locations. I'm going to be a bit more brash in the new house, cameras on each corner eave (2nd story).


Just wondering if any of you guys have had issues with neighbors and visible cameras. If so, what sorts of issues?

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Neighbour's issues are generally ill-founded and they just want to have a moan and want something to complain about.

If you humour them and don't go on the defensive, they usually come around. Obviously if your cameras cannot help but overlook their property, you should use the blind facility and approach them before they approach you. Invite them in to see that their privacy isn't compromised and you may find you have an allie.


I have become somewhat of a local hero because of my CCTV. Suddenly, my neighbours are finding out who did damage to their property, there are a lot fewer incidents involving drunken teens hanging out on in the street corners etc. The teens have learned it's easier to misbehave in other neighborhoods because when they do that here, someone always calls police.

(Not mentioning any names of course) My neighbours did some concerns, but they have seen the benefits too which outweigh their concerns. My CCTV is well accepted locally.

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I'm planning out my new house install, currently have a few cameras at the old house placed in rather hard to see locations. I'm going to be a bit more brash in the new house, cameras on each corner eave (2nd story).


Just wondering if any of you guys have had issues with neighbors and visible cameras. If so, what sorts of issues?




Hi. its always a better option to plan a system were neighbours are not involved. CCTV is your protection and if install right then no conflicts with neighbours.


and if its your new house. your the new neighbour. no one wants to have a cctv lodger looking over there property.



if your in the States then some states have regulations that may be worth checking ..... but if your system is planned good from the start then you have no issues to start with.

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Hi. its always a better option to plan a system were neighbours are not involved. CCTV is your protection and if install right then no conflicts with neighbours.


and if its your new house. your the new neighbour. no one wants to have a cctv lodger looking over there property.


Thanks guys. Tom, you mention the exact issues I'm aware of. The fact that no one wants cameras looking over their shoulder, well, what am I to do? They will see domes in the eaves if they look hard enough. Will they be pointed at their lot, no, but you know how quick people are to judge. Then when something does happen, they'll be asking if I have footage of THEIR hubcaps getting stolen...lol.


I do like NN's idea of showing them the possibilities...

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Don't feel self conscious about installing cameras. Put them up and protect your home and family. If it helps, keep in mind all the annoying things your neighbors will make YOU endure. Installing your own cameras is a lot less conspicuous than having someone like ADT do it. Your neighbors won't automatically know you're installing cameras if they don't actually see you doing it. I did my install on weekdays when most people are at work. Once it's up, you may know the cameras are there, but it's not a given everyone else will see them. From the street, unless you know they're there, cameras can't be seen very easily. Also consider that most people are conditioned to seeing cameras these days- it's common even on homes.


When I installed my ptz on the front of my home and given it's size, I knew that I might have some explaining to do about that one. I live on a court with two immediate neighbors. In these few months since installing it, I've explained the camera to them just to put them at ease. Keep in mind I know my neighbors, relatively speaking- I've been here for years. I know it's likely they've seen it, so I felt it was better to explain that not only does the camera monitor my property, but it's also a neighborhood watch- documenting any problems especially over night. I told them if they ever have any trouble just ask me, I may have recorded the event. That approach seems to have worked well. One kid noticed the camera following him as it was auto tracking- I wasn't even at the camera at that time. Annoying 'kid' problems have subsided.


Install your cameras and don't stress. Unless you use a large camera like a ptz, most won't even know they're there, no matter how much you think they will.

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It's my experience from my own system that annoying teens misbehaving aren't so bold when they think there is a chance of being caught or identified but being what they are they have to behave that way so move somewhere else or behave themselves.

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