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audio /led alarm incicator panel

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I am looking for an annunicator panel which will let me record a message for each alarm. I would like a panel that I can use a n/c or n/o relay so if input 1 goes into alrarm it would also announce "Door one open"


I have scanned google and have found several panels that will give me a visual indicator and a tone but nothing with a audio message. we have used a few annunicator panels in the past (Keltron) but this is the first request of this type.

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My honeywell vista 20p does that with the bidirectional remote w audio, if you tap a button for status. I imagine they have a panel with voice. Maybe check out the 6150V.

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Thanks for the replys I think I found a unit that will work with my existing system. A Viking K-2000-DVA that allows for eight inputs and eight outgoing audio messages.

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