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Use SDL ? please help me

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hi :

I want develop a DVR system under linux (has 8 channel, PC-Based ) , in windows , it 's can use DirectDraw for direct access to video memory , but under linux system , what liblary should i use ? i know some one use V4L, but is too slow , maybe SDL or Mesa i s good choice, I am not very sure,

any suggestion is appreciated !

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Cant help yah with Linux, but get one of the following boards, get the Nucleus RTOS, start soldering the BNCs on, program the RTOS Nucleus DVR Video software, and whallop you got something 100 times better than linux and in a stand alone unit




Meanwhile, are the same codecs available for linux as for windows?



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Thanks for the reply, but i don't want to use embaded system .

on the windows system, my Colleague use C++ , I want use C to develop this system under linux . i am not start yet , first of all , i need search for some information to prepare it .

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SDL is the most like direct draw library that is available for linux. I haven't been on this forum very long, but it would be my guess that you would probably get more help on C/C++ newsgroup or forum.

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