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Door video camera,any help please

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Hallo,i am new to the cctv field.


i have been given a door entry board camera but it has a 4 pin connection.i have not come across this efore and ask in anyone familiar with these can help me wire it up ?


it has v+,v-,video+,video-


i`m ok with v+ and v- as they are the normal inputs at pins 1 and pin 2.


at pin 3 is video + and pin 4 is video -


i am not sure how to wire the connections.can i connect pin 3 video+ with pin 1 v+ ?


and the same with pin 2 v- and pin 4 video- ?


or can a person familiar with the wiring or door entry systems give an explanation please ?


i dont want to wire it wrong and end up causing electrical damage to it.

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v- and video - are usually both "earths". One is your voltage earth & the other is your video signal earth




from how i understand this it means the v+ and v- from the power connector to pins 1 and 2 and the video+ (pin 3) and video-(pin 4) connected to the bnc ?


do i need to unite the earths ?


i am using this in a cctv dvr

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Most of the new ones are just 2 wires from the door box to the base unit and than the base gets plugged

into an outlet. Do you have the make and model? It should have come with a schematic for wiring?

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Most of the new ones are just 2 wires from the door box to the base unit and than the base gets plugged

into an outlet. Do you have the make and model? It should have come with a schematic for wiring?



it was from a system taken out before demolition of a building by a friend who knows i use cctv and have a pcb camera but its not the same.it just came with diagram of the 4 pin and what the assigned pin are 1 v+, 2v-, 3vid+, 4vid-. on my other pcb camera i just plug it in with 3 pin connectr and then to cctv lead.with 4 pins im not sure just dont want damage it

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