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got the 4.0 back

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after what was it, 3 months!?


Anyway ... finally AC and loads of power (plus gas) .. but guess what ..


they didnt replace the computer harness clip, but just stuck it back in the computer and used silicon all over it to hold it there - looks like crap guess ill have to do that myself


the hood, which was replaced as it got bent in the crash, doesnt close properly on the side that was hit - gotta push it down again after slamming it but still sticks up on that side a 1/2 inch so rain will probably get in - will see


The Fan belt that is near the Radiator (dont know what that is called) was not replaced, it had a sought of cover over it that was broken up in the crash, in stead of replacing it, they just snapped off the top part so you can see the fan belt - I guess cheaper for them right?? Looks like crap also.


Battery - basically spent a month from when the insurance company "cleared" it, trying to sought out who was paying for the darn battery, as regardless someone needed to put a battery in and test drive it, which they only just did last week after I gave them $100 for a battery.


To end, Chrysler Dealership here was the body shop, and where I bought the jeep originally in 2001, cost me $31,000.


One signal light has issues, it works but is too fast. Insurance company wouldnt pay for my battery, even though the battery was perfect for 4 years up until the accident, they seem to think a 4 year life for a battery is too much!! (spent half hour arguing against that one but gave up as just wanted to get the jeep released, and that was 2-3 weeks ago).


The last straw was today when I go there at 10.30 to pick it up an im told I have to pay the body shop $400 dedectable .. now i know the insurance comapny mentioned that but never said I had to pay the body shop that .. ive had (yeah I know sucks) 4 accidents before, and never had to pay the body shop a penny. They just raised the yearly fees. okay so far I paid for the battery, and now they wanted more money.


So i told them well I dont have it, keep it and sell it, see if I care! LOL

I was teed off, having not eaten since the night before i just wanted some breakfast, and by now, it was 12 noon. So much for "just picking up" the jeep!


Ok so they told me call the insurance company, which I did. I explained I knew nothing of paying this $400 to get the jeep, as well noone told me nothing (they think we are physic around here). I understood I owed the insurance company $400 but since i just paid them last month, insurance for 2 vehicles, that I would imagine I can pay them over time, or they just charge me next year. I mean I paid a huge sum for a jeep that I wasnt even driving, plus insurance on a seperate car also. Not to mention it was after 3 months needing licencing and inspection again, so thats another $200, plus the monthly loan on it ive been paying of $700 a month ( the bank here got me by the ba**s but thats another story for another night).


Bottom line was I had the cash in my pocket but needed it for other more important things (ciggies, bud, yah know!), plus the mechanic side was a botched job, and the darn hood doesnt close properly ... course calling the insurance guy after that, on lunch or away from desk, reason for the last month was he was on vacation and nothing started happeing until I went down there in person and started cussing!!


Anwyay, long story and long day, jeep is back and in action, for now at least Just gotta keep the bank off my back now .. cause that would just tip the scale at this point!!




Yours truly


1 Stressed out Rory

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Congrats Rory. Glad to hear you're back in action, but I missed it... Did you have to pay the 400 bucks to the dealer?

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I can sell you a gas guzzling Hummer Rory if ya like?

At 3 bucks a gallon it sits and collects dust.



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Congrats Rory. Glad to hear you're back in action, but I missed it... Did you have to pay the 400 bucks to the dealer?


no, they let me do something over time ..

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I keep telling you to get ur ass over here and forget about them a$$es, but you don't listen....

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