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2 questions about DIGINET software for Kodicom card

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The first problem is that after installing didinet software after restart PC stop on “Log on to windowsâ€

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For the first question regarding the password, it sounds as if you are using a Windows User level login password. You can either remove it, or you can go into the registry and force an Automatic Login. See link:




For your second question, you will need to change a few more advanced settings (code) so that the software minimizes versus shuts down the PC. You can probably easily just reactivate the Start Up button on your keyboard through the registry, this will allow you to work back on your desktop.



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The first problem is that after installing didinet software after restart PC stop on “Log on to windowsâ€

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Regarding bypassing the Windows Logon screen, I know in XP you can use Run, type in "control userpasswords2".


There is a check mark that can be removed to allow the computer to load to the desktop without any password required.


This is easier than the registry edit, especially if you would rather not mess with the registry.

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Thanks for your reply. “control userpasswords2" works perfectly.

But for the second problem is it true that the software can’t be minimized. I tried with USB kbd, but no success . Scottj how reactivate the Start Up button on keyboard through the registry.

Thanks in advance

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Huh??? If you dont want to login and just load in windows automatically, just delete the user's password from the CONTROL PANEL, USER ACCOUNTS, and make sure there is only 1 user account. Also make sure "use the welcome screen" is ticked, which is default.


In other words there is no need for multiple users if you are not going to use it.

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I forgot to tell you, upgrade to SP2, it is more secure and faster

But dont forget to tweak XP for the DVR regardless of whichever SP you are using.

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To exit from kodicom software without shutting down the pc,



That will let you out of the software and still keep your pc going however, you will not be recording. There is no way to minimize the software, you can only shut it off. Then once you are done on your desktop you can restart the software to continue recording again.



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Yes - Marcusi way works - can turn off diginet. But USB keyboard way works too and can minimize diginet. Just press "My Computer" button on USB keyboard and you will see.

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Hi, When I turn on the computer the Diginet Center program starts immeditely. How can I stop it. I want to be able to turn it on when I feel like. THanks!

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I believe you have to remove it from the startup folder in the start menu.


Hi, When I turn on the computer the Diginet Center program starts immeditely. How can I stop it. I want to be able to turn it on when I feel like. THanks!

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Yes if you remove it from the start up it doesn't starts automatically when the computer starts.

Also in the latest versions only the CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+F4

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Hi, When I turn on the computer the Diginet Center program starts immeditely. How can I stop it. I want to be able to turn it on when I feel like. THanks!



Start - Run - type "msconfig" - click "Startup" tab - uncheck Dizinet Program - Ok - ask to restart your comp - ok.


Rest u'll turn it on when u like.

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