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General questions about setting up PTZ camera tour

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I have installed about a dozen CCTV systems at hotels and convenience stores since I started installing cameras this year and all have gone without a hitch. I just installed a 4 camera system at a friends house with 3 dome cameras and a mini high speed PTZ in the front of the house with a 3 axis keyboard. The PTZ data connection goes to the DVR and then from the DVR to the keyboard. The DVR I am using is a CTRing H3004 and all the cameras are no name brand but Korean made. I am able to control the camera with the DVR remote and the keyboard just fine. I am able to use the the keyboard to access the OSD on the PTZ camera and make changes. My questions are about setting up a tour. I know I have to set the preset positions and label them 1,2,3 and so on but do I do this on the DVR or through the camera OSD? Once I have the presets programmed how do I start the tour? If the camera is on a tour and is disrupted by using the keyboard will it automatically go back on on it's tour?

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I know I have to set the preset positions and label them 1,2,3 and so on but do I do this on the DVR or through the camera OSD?

From my experience you can do it either way. Positioning the camera and then setting a preset with a software ptz controller or keyboard will serve to store them in the camera as well. Or, you can do it right in the cameras osd. If you are going to setup alternate tours, going into the cameras osd to do that is needed, ime. Most cameras will store more than one tour- upwards of eight different tours is common.


Once I have the presets programmed how do I start the tour?

The ptz manual should provide the specific presets to start tours, scans, and patterns, as well as stop them. Depending on the controller or even the dvr's remote control, it may provide buttons to stop the tour. Or, stopping it may require you hit another preset specifically to stop it. It really depends on the dvr and it's software, or the keyboard you're using. When it comes to buttons for controlling ptz's, I'm finding it isn't always universal as far as control for all features. It depends on what you have and how it talks to each other and the camera.


If the camera is on a tour and is disrupted by using the keyboard will it automatically go back on on it's tour?

It may, or may not. You'll have to see. If you just start a tour, it may interrupt it and not restart. If a scheduled tour launches for a certain amount of time, it may go back to the tour after the interruption. If you really want the tour going full time and it gets perminently interrupted, you can set the idle to launch that same tour, programmed for a short amount of ilde time. So for instance, the camera is on a tour and you hit preset 3 to see something. The tour gets perminently interrupted. But in perhaps a minute or so, the idle setting relaunches the tour. A decent ptz will have nice control and be flexible for different scenarios. Good luck.

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Once I have the presets programmed how do I start the tour?

The ptz manual should provide the specific presets to start tours, scans, and patterns, as well as stop them. Depending on the controller or even the dvr's remote control, it may provide buttons to stop the tour. Or, stopping it may require you hit another preset specifically to stop it. It really depends on the dvr and it's software, or the keyboard you're using. When it comes to buttons for controlling ptz's, I'm finding it isn't always universal as far as control for all features. It depends on what you have and how it talks to each other and the camera.


The manual is very poorly written in broken English. It has a list of numbers to launch certain commands but the only one that works is the command to launch the OSD. I know the presets positions are set cause I can call them up one by one.

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The manual is very poorly written in broken English. It has a list of numbers to launch certain commands

Such as what, specifically? It may be hit and miss until you find the right ones. I'd try everything from 80 through 99.

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I will take a look through it again when I go back to his house. Do you think that if there are presets set on the camera itself and the DVR they may conflict with each other and cause it to do neither of them?

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  Dr3am said:
I have installed about a dozen CCTV systems at hotels and convenience stores since I started installing cameras this year and all have gone without a hitch. I just installed a 4 camera system at a friends house with 3 dome cameras and a mini high speed PTZ in the front of the house with a 3 axis keyboard. The PTZ data connection goes to the DVR and then from the DVR to the keyboard. The DVR I am using is a CTRing H3004 and all the cameras are no name brand but Korean made. I am able to control the camera with the DVR remote and the keyboard just fine. I am able to use the the keyboard to access the OSD on the PTZ camera and make changes. My questions are about setting up a tour. I know I have to set the preset positions and label them 1,2,3 and so on but do I do this on the DVR or through the camera OSD? Once I have the presets programmed how do I start the tour? If the camera is on a tour and is disrupted by using the keyboard will it automatically go back on on it's tour?

i have exactly the same mini speed domes (5 off) here at my home, and heres how you set a tour.

go into menu of dome /




go to PARK ACTION and select to change the setting ie HOME,PRESET 1 etc /

select GROUP 1 by using the joystick on the controller up till GROUP 1 shows /

choose PARK ENABLE - ON not OFF /

set your wait time to how ever long you want the dome to wait till it goes to GROUP MODE / (1-99 minutes)

go down to BACK and Select that option /

next go to GROUP SETUP in MAIN MENU of dome and select to enter this setup mode /

down to EDIT GROUP / and select

press FOCUS NEAR on keyboard to enter the Action Menu area and then setup num 1 as PRESET 1 with the required time by moving joystick across to select the next part of setup menu. /

do this setup process for each ACTION number by using FOCUS NEAR to enter and exit that setup section /

once finished make sure arrow is to the left of the screenm outsaide of them menus etc /

and press FOCUS FAR on keyboard/joystick

then select SAVE at the bottomdown to BACK

Then on MAin PAGE EXIT

hope that helps.

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  Dr3am said:
I will take a look through it again when I go back to his house. Do you think that if there are presets set on the camera itself and the DVR they may conflict with each other and cause it to do neither of them?

No. There are no presets in the dvr. All presets are in the camera, called up by the controller.

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Hi yes pre sets are stored on DVR. (in most cases) and this is the best way to setup a PTZ. going with head controls or controller will not allow you full control from DVR if you want to view your camera over a network or let DVR alarms control PTZ

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  Dr3am said:
Thanks for the info. I will give it a try when I go back to his place. I hope it works


i have the same domes setup that way with alarm detection as well. and the grouping setup works after any alarm activations have ceased

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Yes it must be able to be controlled remotely. I did see options in the PTZ setting where you put the protocol, bit rate, address, and baud rate on the DVR that ask for the command numbers for Menu, Preset, and one other option I can't remember but when I put 95 into the the Menu option I am able to call up the camera OSD using the DVR and remote. I tried to access the DVR earlier to see what the other option was using CMS but when I try to click on the option the DVR tells me "Remote Setup Not Supported". Any thoughts?

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  cctvmann said:
  Dr3am said:
Thanks for the info. I will give it a try when I go back to his place. I hope it works


i have the same domes setup that way with alarm detection as well. and the grouping setup works after any alarm activations have ceased


What menu option do you go to to slow down the Pan and Tilt speeds?

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  Dr3am said:
  cctvmann said:
  Dr3am said:
Thanks for the info. I will give it a try when I go back to his place. I hope it works


i have the same domes setup that way with alarm detection as well. and the grouping setup works after any alarm activations have ceased


What menu option do you go to to slow down the Pan and Tilt speeds?

i have a dedicated micros, dvr so my dome is controlled through the joystick keyboard i dont use the dvr you have i dont think.

Preset 95 to get into menu on DOME not DVR then go to DOME CAMERA SETUP then MOTION SETUP then JOG MAX SPEED which will decrease or increase the dome speed from 0 degress per second to 360 degrees per second then go EXIT to save the settings. hope that helps


oh and the presets ar saved ion the dome menu itself not the dvr as someone else suggested, the dvr calls to the dome through the rs85 data line which the domes picks up the instruction from the dvr and goes to the required preset.

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