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my new ge triplex 16

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happy days thanks to this forum, and i see my thread (movin on to dvr) is still useful. just want to give an update on my first dvr experience. i have an embedded dvr behind a linksys router with a pc attached. aplication is a tavern. purchased 12 1/2 b/w cameras sanyo vcb-3524 using 4 existing panasonic 1/3 bp314. cameras work well in low light when i'm open but have to install a nite lite system for the 4 hour period after i close. the 1/2" cameras work as well as the old (15yrs) 1/3" as i don't notice any difference in the quality of the picture. not dissappointed but they were double the price w/lens. lenses are all vari focal auto iris and am happy with them computar. now the dvr has one major draw back that must be a secret kept till after you buy it. that is if there are more than two cameras maximum record rate is 48pps not 60pps. so 1 camera 30pps, 2 cameras 30pps each = 60 after that, 60 drops to 48 that i believe is a 20% loss (were did it go). contacted vendor i purchased from and they referred me to ge. ge tech support won't deal with you unless you are a licensed electrician(thankfully i am). the dvr is simple to use but i did have some router issues with port forwarding (needed 80 and 1024) but once that was established and a domain name set up i am good to go.

more questions still to come



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I'm gonna let you in on another secret, hookup all 16 cameras and your PPS is gonna drop to 3.75 pps.

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dvmre triplex thanks to rory i have 12 cameras working all are set equally at 4pps and i am still playing with all the features.did csg mean 2.75 that another 10% on the now 48pps off on another matter all cameras are behind grey tinted plexi glass i think in the 20% range. the best results are if you put the lenses against the glass.i have a couple that are inches away and you can see a small difference in clarity. if i increase the pps on one camera i know it will smooth out the picture but does it also increase the pixels available to enhance the image. remote veiwing is a bit choppy and any adjustments really bring out the disorganized pixels.


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60pps. If you set it to motion record it will use smart motion recording meaning if only 1 camera is connected then you get real time, 2 cameras, near real time, etc, it auto adjusts depending on which cameras are picking up motion detection.


If you ALSO have it set to time lapse it will record all the time, so it will be slower, in other words it would then divide 60pps by 16 cameras.


as for the camera, the tint is your problem, they will always degrade the image, especially if there is not 100% light.



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Triplex has two video processors, can put two cameras on and each camera uses one processor exclusively.


Third camera introduces requirement to multi-task processor - therefore global record rate falls from 60 to 48 (here it falls from 50 to either 40 or 42 for PAL - can't recall).





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did not know about the # of processors, do the dvr's with 120pps or 240pps use more processors. i have learned a lot from this forum that's why i am sharing my experences in hope to help someone else. sometimes fresh eyes see things from a different prospective. yes rory i took the plexi into account which was one reason i went with the 1/2" cameras. there was some disscusson on the amount of light difference between a 1/2" and 1/3".was just trying to get the max out of the cameras in a dark enviroment


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Those DVRs are generally not RTOS or are Linux embeded OS, different from what the GE uses, which is Nucleus. Thats what makes it such a solid DVR, the RTOS is used in medical equipment, cellphones, etc.


Also most if not all of those embeded OS DVRs that claim 240fps do more like 60fps in 720x480, and only low res at 240fps or 480fps.


Windows is still really the only OS that can do 720x480 in real time. Not sure about the Linux PC Based DVRs but im sure they are similar.


1/2" or 1/3" the tint will stil degrade the image quality.

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Unfortunately that is an undocumented and often overlooked feature of the processor. A single processor that is designed for 30 fps will do 30 fps with one camera but the moment a second camera is introduced the processing speed does fall to 24 fps, as stated earlier due to the multiplexing properties needed to handle multiple cameras.


Kodicom used to actually list that in their specifications but it got so much negative reaction that I think even they dropped the spec. This is somewhat akin to the raging controversy that goes on around minimum illumination for a camera. Many of the lower end camera makers rate their cameras at ridiculously low levels that have no relation to reality but the average consumer doesn't know this and thinks that the cameras rated with legitimate ratings are inferior when in reality they are far superior.

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hard drive crashed last week ( about 30 days old),still have videobut won't hold any settings and the hard drive is listing only half of what it should be. took 10 day to get rma info and am still waiting for new unit to arrive. looks like they sent me a refurbished unit, i am missing screws on sides and there were no rack mounts. clearly there were screws there at one time.

i see bosch has units listed to 480 pps do these unit work differently maybe more processors.


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those 480fps are PC based, not embedded RTOS.


Did you have the DVR on a Voltage Regulator? Without it you do stand a chance of loosing the hard drive, on anything, PC or DVR. Its just a chance, could have been a faulty hard drive or could have got damaged in shipping - drop the hard drive or knock it hard - and its finished. Done that before with PCs ...

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Yep, you guys have good power in the US, but cant blame the HDD if it isnt on a Voltage Regulator .. poor HDDs get blamed for everything


BTW, there is a way to change the HDD yourself on the DVMRe Triplex, but has some requirements.

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Yep, but what I am saying is, if you get brownouts or voltage dips, spikes, and whatever, without a voltage regulator, the HDD stands a good chance of getting damaged, and ofcourse so do other parts of the DVR, be it PC or Standalone.


You guys generally have great power in the US, so less worries. Here, forget about it


If i take my PC off my VR (ive had since 1996 BTW), my HDD or other things stand a great chance of getting fried, ive done it a couple times, lost an HDD, and the other time it was just on the surge strip, lost a CD Drive Cable, and totally lost the Zip Drive. These alll happened when the power dipped, hung on low for a while, then came up and went back off again .....we get that every 2 days at least during the summer, they claim they are working to improve it, a few summers later, still as bad or worst, its called OLD equipment.


It happens to clients Alarm Panels and PCs all the time, moreso this summer as we had horrible power dips this summer and daily blackouts and brownouts. Some people are lucky here, but generally it is a gamble. Everyone i know has a VR now, they wont run their electronics without it, all have seen the damage caused without using VRs. All my clients DVRs and Cameras are on VRs at this point so they are safe.


Bottom line is if it is not on VR, then dont blame the unit, whatever it is, for failing, if it is on a VR and it fails, then blame away

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i believe ups does not requlate voltage. here if a phase drops out,(power company) voltage drops from 240 to about 140 volts each leg being 70 volts to grnd. lights dim and all the motors will burn up if left for an extended period.


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