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Hello from the Midwest!

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Lovely day here in the tri-state area, beginning with a thunderstorm early this morning that turned into some light snow between 6-8am!


I found the forum last night after spending a few days trying to wrap my head around all the CCTV options for DVRs and cameras. I'm hoping you'll all be a big help as I try to piece together a setup for my house.


I work as a computer programmer and have experience with networking and other tech hobbies. And RC cars. Love RC cars. I bought 4 Cisco WVC80N cams ~2 years ago to connect wireless to my linux box running ZoneMinder. I'm now looking to upgrade to a more serious home surveillance system, as the cisco cams don't provide the detail or features (mainly low light visibility) that I now require. Other consequences in my family's current situation require me to move quickly to get this new setup running. I'll make a thread in the 'System Design' section later tonight once I finish my 'floor plan' image and put my thoughts in a comprehensive format.



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