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Why is it that clients always think they want covert cameras

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Why is it that clients always think they want covert cameras? Almost every time I approach potential clints and ask if CCTV is something they had considered for their business they very often come back with " yes I want four (typically) hidden cameras" when I ask why they think they want hidden cameras they can't answer. I go on to say that surely it's better that criminals see the CCTV and think again if they want to risk being identified or commit their crime someplace else?


The whole point of CCTV as a security medium in my opinion, is to deter criminals, from crimes against the business and it's staff. Obviously it can't guarantee anything other that a considerable reduction in the risk of crime, it can't even guarantee conviction of those offenders that commit crime regardless of CCTV. I often for that reason install low voltage lights above cameras and CCTV warning signs, to highlight the visual effect, obviously I need to allow for this in the budget so if a job is vvery tight on profit then these little niceties don't get done.


Not forgetting of course that CCTV is not simply a security product but also a process monitoring solution, and an analytical tool for statisticians too. There are other formats but no other uses spring immediately to mind at this time. I have only ever installed it as a security measure or a safety measure or a combination of both.


With hidden cameras, I think there may be a potential for a charge of entrapment? Anyone care to venture an opinion?

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Well, you would still be legally obligated to post signs that stated video recording was taking place so I agree with you that hidden cameras would be pointless in most cases. There are some coses where a mixed of covert and overt works well though. We have some covert cameras in the back rooms of some night clubs (where they count money, store certain high end booze, prize vaults, etc.) and in those cases it makes perfect sense. I love watching the owner's face when I ask them how they intend to isolate the room long enough for us to complete the install... they never seem to think about that part!


I have even had one guy at a swanky country club think about it for a second and he came back with "I will just close the whole place for 24 hours, and I don't even want to know where you put it. Don't tell me at all, and don't put it on the drawings either."


That one caught me a bit off guard, but I did what he asked. About 6 months later he called me because he was going bonkers trying to find the cameras. I got there and he changed his mind "I don't want to know". He even paid extra for a third DVR, just for the covert stuff. He also INSISTED that we intentionally run extra wires (to nowhere) just to make it harder to trace them back if someone got that smart. As if that wasn't enough he had me install a 16 character password that only my guys knew so that no one (including him) could see the views and figure out where the covert stuff was placed. The really cool part was the site visit fee we got to charge every time he needed some video off of those cameras.

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With hidden cameras, I think there may be a potential for a charge of entrapment? Anyone care to venture an opinion?


If i put up those warning signs, can it still be a 'hidden camera'? Obviously no. Can u elaborate on it a bit about the hidden part?

You mean hidden cams inside the house or outside?

I have the same confusion with you, 2. It might be accused of entrapment but in which situation?

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If there is a sign posted, there cannot really be an entrapment issue the way I understand the law. You have notified people of your intent to record and monitor them, so it does not matter if they can see the device or not.


Once they pass that sign, they have effectively granted consent.

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The short answer is that many clients are focused on catching the bad guys; they have been wronged and want to get even.


That is a fair point. Get even is a common reason, so it must be that they want to actually catch someone in the act so they can feel avenged.

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It's true that covert cameras as commercially available aren't that versatile and must be used intelligently, however the clients don't know this.


My question was why do they automatically think they want covert cameras.

I think they feel it will give them an opportunity to catch someone the act of

committing a crime. I think they haven't though this through and are impressed by the covertly obtained footage shown on TV shows such as "caught on camera".

If they want covert cameras for nefarious reasons I tell them to find someone else but fortunately this has happened to me only once. I didn't feel any concern about walking away.

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