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How to interpret recovered *.gpg data from DVR HDD

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In a previous post, I asked about date change/lost previous files.


HERE, I am asking, on the HDD, I have recovered *.GPG data files, that may be quite what i'm looking for; HOW do I interpret/play/convert them to something to view?


The tech supp at Swann (for this DVR8-2550) have no idea; They say that when you copy the data off the DVR, it is in a *.264 format, and I see that; but i've done an attempted data recovery in a "raw" way, directly from the DVR. Now i've got some *gpg files...


2 partitions on 500Gb HDD; approximately 1=6Gb 1=460Gb; through recovery, have files of name as "f449456248.*". Pulled 200 files off drive, mostly *.txt files, but files of any size consequence, have *.gpg extension, and are 17 items at 70Gb total. Not able to interpret *.gpg; showing as no playable... Hummm. Ignorance prevails.


How do I interpret/convert *.gpg files...?

Thanks for your support in this.

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