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Specs for inexpensive 2 wifi outdoor vid cam / DVR system?

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I am a computer tech guy who knows nothing about video camera security systems but want to purchase what is necessary and set a two camera system up at my home and hopefully not spend too much doing so. (See specs at the bottom of my post)


I was wondering if I could just buy the cameras and whatever is necessary and use one of my Windows computer systems and hard drive that runs at home 24/7 in order to save on the DVR and video monitor expense.


I haven't been able to find any good reviews or sources of information on the web because of all the self promo stuff which clogs up google search re: security systems.


Can anyone suggest what brands and models of hardware I should shop for and give me an idea of what the overall cost be might be for such a 2 camera system?


Specs of my situation:


I have a quality dual band wifi router at my home along with an available 24/7 WIndows XP Pro SP3 computer system.


I need two wifi night vision cameras:

** One with infrared and motion detection at 50 ft and ~ 25 > 45 degrees of field that can send a wifi signal 60 ft

** One with infrared and motion detection at 30 ft and ~ 45 degrees of field that can send a wifi signal 30ft (this camera I would prefer to be a covert camera)


I don't need sound or color


I have outside power outlets 3 ft from each camera location.


I have professional computer tech skills and am very handy with tools but have no budget for a security company installed system.


Thanks in advance.



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you might want to try etronicmarket.co.uk. website is almost none excistence but they have a lot of cameras in their showroom at really low prices. They have a showroom in Manchester. I go there to buy my equiptment. They have made to order cameras, so you might want to try them. You might want to ask them.


Good luck



MADE to order ???

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You don't say how you're going to use the cameras or what they are needed for. Are you trying to cover a doorway or entrance? Do you need to have a sharp image in all light conditions? I am a relative amateur but I found out the quality of the camera makes a big difference in your ability to use the image for identification purposes. You should be able to get a good image on your PC hard drive with commonly available software but don't skimp on the cameras.

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Unfortunately I am in the US so can't check UK stores.


I would be using the 2 cameras to ID vandals at 20 - 50 ft at night with minimum ambient light so low light / infrared capability and sharp image are important although color and sound are not.


That said I don't have the budget for commercial grade equipment. I am hoping to do it myself for as little money as possible.


In that regard, should I be looking at wifi IP cameras or wifi analog (CCTV?) models?


If your answer is wifi IP cameras, does that mean I only need the cameras, a wifi router, a computer and camera monitoring software?


I am a little confused about the requisite hardware re: IP vs. analog systems...


Thnx in advance...



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