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cameras with tinted domes?

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i've seen them in the casino's all the time, but i haven't been able to find any myself. can they be had, and if so, what are the draw backs?

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Yes, a number of manufacturers have smoked domes. Some even have other colors (Pelco's DF5 domes are available in Clear, Smoked, Chrome and Gold). It's rarer to find colored mini domes.


The positive is the ability to hide the direction the camera is pointing. The downside is light loss. Non-clear domes add between 0.5 and 1.0 F-stops of light attenuation. The Chrome and Gold domes also require special cleaning procedures. The color is applied to the inside of a clear dome and standard cleaners will remove it or cause streaks.


Personally, I never saw much point in smoked domes. In most applications, it would be pretty obvious where a camera is, or at least should be, aimed and the light loss can lead to grainy, noisy pictures in many areas.

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thanx for the response. doing a system for a friends bar and he wants smoked domes and was looking for a reason to convince him otherwise. the camera will be mounted @ 9' above the register which sits @ 40" from the ground. with a 1.3MP camera i told him he'd be able to drill down and read a drivers license laying on the register, he wanted more. was looking at using dahua hd2100's in this application, any suggestions otherwise?

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