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Pelco 9740 system

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Hey guys I need help! I work for a retail store and our whole system recently went down. We sent the Cc1 to Pelco and they replaced a bunch of stuff. We have 6 monitors for viewing cameras, but we are unable to control the monitors. For example, say you want to change monitor 1 to Camera 20. You would just enter camera 20 on the keyboard and it would switch. Well now when you do it, the camera changes on the keyboard AND you see it change on the diagnostic scree, BUT you don't see it on the physical monitor. We sent the files to Pelco and they reported that it works fine for them so they said it must be a hardware issue. So we then sent the video card that the monitors plug into, and once again Pelco could not find anything wrong with it. Can someone PLEASE tell me why this isn't working???

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Are you selecting the monitor first, ie:




Other than that, it sounds like either the CC1 has lost communication with the matrix bay (double check the serial cables and make certain they are connected to the proper Sercom ports on the CC1) or there is a problem with the cross-point switching (the input cards).

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Yes I am selecting the monitor then camera. The cables were placed back in the same exact ports. Could you please explain what you mean about the input cards?

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What the cameras connect to. Although my best guess is that the control signals are not getting from the CC1 to the matrix bay, either because you have a bad ribbon serial cable or because the wrong port is connected to the bay or there is something wrong with the Sercom port.


By the way, did you try rebooting the matrix bay? Turn it off and on.

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Ok I tested the ribbon cable and it works fine. I looked up the proper position for the cables for the Cc1 on the in the manual, but they are not listed the same as when we originally removed them to replace the Cc1

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Newer versions of the Pelco software are less critical but I believe the matrix bay(s) typically go on the first Sercom port(s) in number, followed by keyboards and then auxilliary products like MDAs, Multiplexers, etc and the highest ports are for PTZs. It all depends on how the flat files were programmed.

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They are, as I recall, comma-delimited text files but there are so many columns it's hard to translate what's what. You're better off getting the manager program from Pelco, copying the flat files from the CC1 to a floppy and importing them into the manager program. You can then see how things are connected and make any modifications you want, then re-copy them back to the CC1 if you make any changes.


You need to know what software version you're running before you contact Pelco.


How many matrix bays are in your system and what's the configuration (inputs and outputs)?

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Simple enough. One matrix bay = one CC1 port. Try attaching a VGA monitor to the CC1, reboot the matrix bay and the CC1 and watch what happens on the monitor as you switch camera-to-monitor assignments. The blocks should change. You'll also be able to see many types of system errors on the display as the system boots up. If it takes an inordinate amount of time to start running, look at what the display "hangs" on and post your results here.

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