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New Member, Questions about Tracer3000, help please.

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hello all,


im working on a project involving a mobile dvr system, and i had a few questions i was hoping could get answered, i found this forum today and thought it would be easier than hunting down the information through search engines.....so here we go


What do you all know about the 4 Channel GIANTEC tracer3000 unit? i was looking around and noticed someone had some experience with it, so hopefully they read this thread.


Specifically, im looking for a list of numbers regarding recording capacity on their standard 40 gig HD, with various quality settings.


Also, can anyone lead me in the direction of a large display LCD monitor? the only catch is that it has to be under 2" deep, i could probably work with a quarter inch, but the smaller the better..


before i bore you with too many questions, ill wait for some answers.





P.S. also, if anyone has alot of experience with the Tracer3000 Unit, and are feeling extremely helpful to a random person, Email me at Petersmith360@gmail.com

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If you saw someone on this forum that knows something about this product why not private message them and see if they will help you?


I have never heard of it, but that isn’t saying much.

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