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Strange Night Time Only DVR Issue

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Hi - Has anyone ever experienced this one?


I have a client who's Surveillance System video footage have scrolling lines only at night. - And some of the cameras... the images go in and out (disappear) only at night too. Then come sunrise the problems go away. - The system worked perfectly for several months.


I've tried the following:


+ Set-up the DVR at our office ran it for two days - No issues

+ Unplugged every camera one at a time at clients location - Same issue (was trying to rule out one of the cameras)

+ It seems as if there is some kind of interference but nothings changed and it's only at NIGHT.


After almost 5 years in this business this is a first



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You tried swapping out the camera power supplies? Installed ground loop isolators? Flicked the site lighting off to see if something that turned on only at night was causing interference? Locating outside trouble might only give you the REASON you have to install isolators rather than giving you something to fix though.

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Does sound like a power supply issue. To eliminate that real quick would be to monitor the camera power at a camera at night. Not only the DC level but any AC component. Of course, I'm taking for granted that your using DC camera's.



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At night the IR cameras draw more power from the power supply (you can chech this against the recordings). Just change the power supply. It's capacitors for output are defective (most likely doue to instability of the input line - fast fluctuations can travel form the primary to the secondary part). If you can, replace the capacitors, or replace the entire unit. If possible stop using ONE power supply for all cameras and switch to using one power supply for each camera (usually a 12V 1A supply is sufficient and cost efective).

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IR camera is when they are not visible to the naked eye. This is because the IR camera sees the apparent temperature difference between wet spots and building materials.

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IR camera is when they are not visible to the naked eye. This is because the IR camera sees the apparent temperature difference between wet spots and building materials.


Please do not confuse thermal imaging devices to IR Cameras...

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