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Hug from Belgium

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Hi everybody,


Nice to meet you all here.

I'm IT since 25 years and my favorite pastime is flashing any device around me

After 25 year I can confirm that DVR system are the most misterious devices never played with LooLLL

So I'm very glad to have a place where we can exchange and discuss our experiences.


Hugs from Belgium !!!

See you !

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Good luck to you, DVRs are nothing more these days than a file server and as such require a static LAN address so they can be located.

DVRs are more or less a small computer with embeded software so there is no access to the OS.

That's effectively all there is to analogue DVRs. All the analogue signals are digitized on board so you don't have to concern yourself about that, just understand the specifications and how that effects the performance.


You probably already know about port forwarding so all is easy from here on in so enjoy it.

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