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Cleaning up my images

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Hi all,


Im new here so please be gentle, I apologise in advance for my lack of technical understanding and also if this is posted in the wrong section.


I have an issue and could do with some help.


I have a home CCTV system comprising of a 4 channel DVR (Hi-vision), 3 day/night cameras, (connected with shotgun cable and individual PSU's) and a 17 inch LCD monitor connected by VGA. ive had it for around 4 years.

I have had a lot of interference, at night 2 or my cameras are un-viewable, the third isn't much better. I read about something called rolling humbloc and tried a ground loop isolator on one camera, this gave no improvement, I left in-line for a few weeks and found yesterday that the picture on that particular feed became shockingly worse, Eventually I removed the isolator and the feed became viewable again.


I have a video on youtube showing the typical interference I am suffering - imagine it at night, where it is much much worse.


Sorry, im struggling with the youtube code but the vid is at



any ideas?


I am seriously looking to change my system as I would like remote access. although the Hi-Vision does have a basic web interface, I would rather a smartphone app type. However I am worried that I will suffer a similar picture issue.


Now, I am in the UK, and my budget would be £400 (600usd). I would require at least 3 cameras but would prefer 4. I would really want 8 channels, so upgrading is a possibility.

So far my leading prospective buy would be this swann system as it has 2 PT cameras.




any input/feedback would be great.




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