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Apt complex is asking for a 16 cam wireless system.

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UPDATE 2: We decided to pass on this project. Thanks for all the advice everyone!


UPDATE 1: They want 16 IR Wireless cameras, which will be spread out among 32 separate buildings. The complex covers several acres with a city street down the middle.



I'm new here so am not too familiar with what has already been posted. I'll be reviewing old posts over the next few days but I thought I should go ahead and post this to see if you have any feedback for me. I work for a small company that has been in the security business for almost 30 years but has only recently started to do some camera work. I have installed a few wired systems but nothing with more than 8 IP cameras and an NVR (Dahua) installed on the local network. I have not installed any wireless systems and have only dealt with one analog system.


I have an appointment this week with the manager of an apartment complex that is soliciting bids for a 16-camera system. They have specified wireless cameras but nothing else (yet). All I know thus far is that the cameras will be used to monitor the exterior common areas and parking lots and that they will need to be installed under the eaves of two-story buildings. At this point I'm not even sure how many separate buildings will be involved, but I assume there will be at least a few.


Can you guys offer any advice on things I need to look out for when I go out there? Is a wireless system feasible for this scenario or should I try to steer them away from that? Analog or IP?


I'll update with more information when I have it but would appreciate anything you could offer in the meantime.




Edited by Guest

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I wouldnt even be thinking of how to run this wireless without doing a proper site survey and analysis of all the noise that is being generated within and around this place. Most of the residents probably have their own wifi operating on all possible conflicting channels. Depending on the layout you could probably do it it by setting up a point to multipoint setup if you had good line of sight access on the roofs of the buildings. But I would have to say if you had to ask HOW TO on this one I would be "no bidding". Look into a company called Ubiquiti, they make some nice wireless products for many different spectrums.

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That's going to be a mess... particularly with a gazillion apartment dwellers running their own wifi. Talk about a nasty RF environment...


That said, there are multiple ways to do that. I'd use directional bridges to create PTP links from the various buildings, and pair them with IP cameras. You'd have to make sure you built in enough bandwidth to handle all the streams. That would require multiple APs, spaced out enough on the spectrum to minimize interference.


If this is all Greek to you, and you've never done an IP system, you should probably pass on this job.




In other words, pretty much exactly what Lebowski said.

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I have done projects like this and we are starting on a apartment complex tomorrow that anther inexperienced company tried to do with wireless and failed miserably.


If you don't have any wireless experience I would recommend you walk away or partner with someone that does. Like everyone stated above apartment complex's can be a very difficult environment for wireless camera systems because all the extra noise generated from all the wireless networks from the tenants.


UNT makes nice low cost gear but you will have ZERO design or after support. If you really want to do this project I would recommend something like Fluildmesh another wireless company that will help you design the system and support you after the fact.


And whatever you do do not use 2.4Ghz for wireless. You only have 3 non overlapping channels and chances they are already used X10 with all the tenants wireless networks.


Good luck

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As the others have said , be VERY careful with wireless. Two immediate problems come to mind. They may be wireless but they are not powerless. You wil need to supply power to them. Secondly if you are putting cameras on the eves of a two storey building you will need a cherrypicker or some other sort of elevated work platform. Any maintenance/repair will require that same equipment . These are not cheap to hire. Make sure whoever needs to know realises that repairs/maintenance will include these costs.

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Thanks everyone for all the advice. To top it all off, the customer was in a hurry. Considering everything, we decided to pass on the opportunity and we referred them to another local company that has some expertise on larger projects.


Your comments are all much appreciated.



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