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Idea For Classroom CCTV

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Dear All,


We are planning to install CCTV Cameras For Classrooms to monitor Teacher and Students' Behavior. So I would like to know is it a right attitude to install camera in the classroom. I am thinking about the freedom of students. Is it a violation? Please help me because it is my first time for classroom project. Thanks.

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Do the teachers have a union at this school?


We do a lot of school districts and have only put cameras in the classroom in one building. THis was a special needs school and the teachers and admin both wanted them.


My question is why do you need cameras in the classroom?


Safety ? teacher performance ? catch some kid goofing off?


Are you planning on putting cameras on office personnel? They may doing something wrong.


Do you have a written policy about how the video can be used.


You may be able to get this past everyone but if someone thinks this is going to solve some underlying problem that won't happen you will probably just create more resentment and other problems.


You really can't automate administration it is still about people to people or memo to people>

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Dear All,


We are planning to install CCTV Cameras For Classrooms to monitor Teacher and Students' Behavior. So I would like to know is it a right attitude to install camera in the classroom. I am thinking about the freedom of students. Is it a violation? Please help me because it is my first time for classroom project. Thanks.


Mrs. Q is an educator. Taking pictures of her students is strictly forbidden. You need to speak with your school district's lawyers before you start spending money.


In addition, the idea of cameras in the classroom is more than a bit creepy to me. Don't you have better methods to evaluate teacher performance than to snoop on them?

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Dear All,


We are planning to install CCTV Cameras For Classrooms to monitor Teacher and Students' Behavior. So I would like to know is it a right attitude to install camera in the classroom. I am thinking about the freedom of students. Is it a violation? Please help me because it is my first time for classroom project. Thanks.


Mrs. Q is an educator. Taking pictures of her students is strictly forbidden. You need to speak with your school district's lawyers before you start spending money.


In addition, the idea of cameras in the classroom is more than a bit creepy to me. Don't you have better methods to evaluate teacher performance than to snoop on them?

I have done ounce for special needs school

was approved by government

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well I am surprised I actually seem to be in the mainstream thinking on this one. The special needs school that we did was for students with severe problems and they had strict guidelines on using the video.


Wearable cameras for all staff and students that is the way to go

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Where are you located? I am sure this will differ from country to country, in some places it might be ok to do this, in some others it might not.

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You definitely would need written consent from each and every parent and every year for as long as those cameras are in there.

The first parent that finds out their child was video taped in class without their consent and if they have a problem with that, be prepared to shell out a ton of money.

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You definitely would need written consent from each and every parent and every year for as long as those cameras are in there.

The first parent that finds out their child was video taped in class without their consent and if they have a problem with that, be prepared to shell out a ton of money.


Vector is in metro New York USA and you don't be messin' with this stuff in metro New York without some serious teacher, parent and government participation. I would imagine that the situation is much the same in the original EU countries although it may be different the further from the EU core you get.

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Thank you for the suggestions. It is an American Standard School ( International School ). Because there is no such culture in my country before. So I am thinking seriously to put cameras into classroom. I will discuss with the management of School and let them know the rules and regulations. Thank you very much.

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