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Need a STEP-BY-STEP guide to remote view dvr.HELP

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I was hoping some of you kind gentlemen could help me here.

I recently bought a CnM cctv kit with dvr and I've connected it to my virgin superhub with an ethernet cable but I cannot for the life of me figure out how I can remote view the cameras on the iphone.I don't know anything about "static ip addresses" etc so could someone PLEASE give me a simple step by step guide on how to do this.

I'm a desperate single mother who needs your help.

many thanks

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Viewing Images over a Network or the Internet

To view camera footage recorder by your Digital Video Recorder (DVR) using the Internet Explorer web browser or via a supported mobile application on a phone, please follow the checklist below to make sure that everything has been setup

correctly to allow this to work. Before you begin make sure you have the following information available to you:

Internet Router local IP Address, which is usually 192.168.x.1 or 192.168.x.254.

Internet Router Internet IP Address, which is the address assigned to your router by your Internet Service Provider.

Note: This information is only required if you are going to connect to the DVR over the Internet using a web browser or mobile device.

If your Router’s Internet IP Address isn’t static then you will have to use a Dynamic DNS (DYDNS) service.

For more information about this please visit http://www.dyndns.com/services/dns/dyndns/

You will need to create a user account and a hostname for your DVR.

If you don’t have all this information, you will have to contact your Internet Service Provider or the person who configured your Internet Router to obtain it before configuring the DVR.

Now you are ready to configure the DVR and your Internet Router, please follow the checklist below:

 Make sure the DVR is connected to your network or directly to your Internet Router using a Network Cable.

If your Internet Router doesn’t have any network ports on it, you will have to contact your Internet Service Provider to ask for an upgrade.

 Assign your DVR a static IP Address on your network. This can be configured by accessing the Main Menu, click the Advance Icon and then click the Network Icon.

TYPE needs to be changed to STATIC.

MEDIA PORT can be left at 9000. This is the Port which Internet Explorer will be using to view camera images.

WEB PORT can be left at 80. This is the Port which Internet Explorer will be using to connect to the DVR.

IP ADDRESS needs to be set as a valid IP Address for your network. If you know the local IP Address of your Internet

Router (most routers are either or, then you can use this to help decide on an IP Address.

The first three parts of the IP address will be the same as your Router i.e. 192.168.1. and you will have to assign the last number, which must be unique and not already in use i.e. 100 would result in

NETMASK in most instances this should be

GATEWAY must be set to the IP Address of your Internet Router.

DNS in most instances this should also be set to the IP Address of your Internet Router.

DDNS Settings, which only need to be changed if your Internet Router doesn’t have a static IP Address. If this is the case, then set DDNS to ON and enter the SERVICE, HOST NAME, USERNAME and PASSWORD assigned to you when you configured your Dynamic DNS account.

 Change the settings on your Internet Router to allow incoming Internet connections to your DVR.

The settings that need to be configured can differ between different makes and models of Internet Router, but the most common configuration change is to do with the firewall settings.

Log on to your Internet Router and click the Firewall settings menu.

You will need to add an Inbound Service which allows all traffic on all ports to connect to the local IP Address of your

DVR. If you are worried about security, separate connections can be made for the ports required to be open which are

80, Mobile Port “100” (unless this has been manually changed), 443 and the Media Port “9000” (unless this has been manually changed). But, there is no reason not to open all the ports because the DVR is a fully secure unit and will only accept traffic on the four ports shown anyway.Save all configuration changes.If you don’t know how to configure your Internet Router, please contact your Internet Service Provider or the person

who configured your Internet Router to get instructions about how to configure it or get this process done for you.

Now your DVR should be fully networked and accessible on your local network and the Internet.

Connecting using an iPhone First you must install the MEye application from the App Store. Search for the developer of the software by entering “Sun Jian” in the search box.

Find the MEye application and click install.

Run the MEye application and click the settings icon at the bottom of the screen, which looks like a Cog.

 Enter a Title by which the connection will be known.

 Enter the static Internet IP Address of your router, or your DyDNS web address in the Address box.

 Enter the Port number which should be the Mobile Port “100”, unless this has been changed.

 Enter the User ID for your DVR, which is usually “admin”.

 Enter the Password for your DVR.

Click the back icon at the top of the screen and connect to your DVR by clicking the Play icon at the bottom of the screen.

You can navigate between camera views by clicking the number of the camera you wish to view.

Connecting using a BlackBerry. First you must install the MEye application from the CD provided with the DVR.

 Insert the CD into an optical drive.

 Connect your BlackBerry via USB to your computer and launch the BlackBerry Desktop Manager.

 In the menu you will see an option for “Application Loader”. Click this and you will see a screen appear that displays all the applications currently loaded on your BlackBerry. Above the list of currently installed BlackBerry applications you

will see a button that says “Add”. Click on this button to bring up the add application dialog box.

 Navigate to optical drive and find the following file Cellular Phone Monitor/BlackBerry/MEye.alx. Choose OK and this application will appear in the list with all of your other installed software.

 Click the add button again and Cellular Phone Monitor/BlackBerry/MEye.cod and click OK.

 Verify that both entries of Meye have a check mark next to them and click the button labelled “Next” which appears below the list of applications.

 You will see the BlackBerry Desktop Manager run through a process and your BlackBerry may restart.

 Upon reboot of your BlackBerry you will see all of your newly installed applications on the applications screen of your device.

Run the MEye application and click the settings icon at the bottom of the screen, which looks like a Cog.

 Enter the static Internet IP Address of your router, or your DyDNS web address in the Address box.

 Enter the Port number which should be the Mobile Port “100”, unless this has been changed.

 Enter the User ID for your DVR, which is usually “admin”.

 Enter the Password for your DVR.

Click the back icon at the top of the screen and connect to your DVR by clicking the Play icon at the bottom of the screen.

You can navigate between camera views by clicking the number of the camera you wish to view.

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given it a try and can't seem to get it to work.This is what I've done.

I went into the settings on my dvr and inputted the IP address of my virgin superhub(the one which I use to log into the hub) in the "gateway" bit.For the IP address itself i inputted the SAME numbers but changed the last number to 99.There isn't an option for STATIC but i left the dchp box unticked.Theres no media port option but there is a http port which I set to 80.Also the DNS box I ticked it and added the superhub address.Subnet mask i left at

tcp port i left at 34567 and udp port 37778.

on the superhub i logged in and enabled remote access on port 99 and it now states i can now access superhub from an address which begins with my INTERNET ip address and now ends in ":99/".

I also went into advanced settings clicked on port forwarding and "added a rule" as follows port range 80 -99 and I've enabled this which shows the superhub IP address with 99 at the end instead of "1".

on the meye app what address (of all I've listed above)do i put in and what "port" too because at the moment all its doing is "connecting-buffering-no response"

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