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First let me ask you about SDI. It runs through coaxial cable but needs another cable run for power correct?

If so what are the advantages of SDI because running twice the cable as PoE is time and money.


So I'm looking at these 2 systems.


1 of thesehttp://www.costco.ca/Q-See%C2%AE-16-Channel-SDI-3TB-DVR%2c-with-8-HD-1080P-SDI-Camera-Kits.product.100042103.html


or 2 of thesehttp://www.costco.ca/Q-See%C2%AE-8-Channel-SDI-2TB-DVR%2c-with-4-HD-1080P-SDI-Camera-Kits.product.100037545.html


I can save $140 and gain 1TB by buying 2 of the second options. Plus I can keep the DVR's in different locations incase I am forced to give "one" up. Both can do 8 cameras at 30fps so it seems like a no brainer here. What is it about SDI that I am missing? And why would Costco just put that option 1 up for so much more then 2 option 2's? Makes no sense right?

Thanx for your help!

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I can't really see where getting the 16 channel makes sense either.


From what I read the 16 channel only has 1 audio input where the 8ch has 8.


The 8ch has 8 Alarm inputs and 1 output where the 16 is said to have none.


??? I'm pretty confused.


See the attached picture for the comparison generated by the Manufacturers website.


Hope this helps.


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Good to know I'm not crazy!

Thanks for the pic but am I'm seeing the 8 channel has no live view? EDIT: The websites say's Live Display Resolution is 1080p.


What about SDI? am I right about running 2 lines(1 power & 1 data) or did I miss something? Seems like these are made for people who already have cameras and want to upgrade the quality without running new lines.... Which sucks for people without installed systems.

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Good to know I'm not crazy!

Thanks for the pic but am I'm seeing the 8 channel has no live view? That can't be right.


What about SDI? am I right about running 2 lines(1 power & 1 data) or did I miss something? Seems like these are made for people who already have cameras and want to upgrade the quality without running new lines.... Which sucks for people without installed systems.


The signal for SDI and HD-SDI run over coax cable, RG-59. You need to consider how the camera will be powered.


When running cable for CCTV often purchased is a "Siamese cable" that has two cables bonded together: an RG-59 coax for the video signal and an 18 or 16 gauge, 2 conductor cable for power (marked as 18/2 or 16/2 as in gauge/# of conductors in cable).


The kits come with a 100' cable for every camera with the ends already on them. It's all a kit package and everything you need except a monitor.

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Perfect! Thank you for helping me understand!

I hope Costco will upgrade the specs/price on the 16 channel system, bum deals should be less money not more.

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