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My newest piece of test equipment and my new outdoor Cat5

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Good suggestion Numb-Nuts never thought to do that, might get the tester as knowing there is a brake in the cable isn't as good as knowing exactly where the break is, but in a pinch this idea would work great.


I have the CCTV test monitor you pictures and agree its sturdy but I doubt it will survive a fall from my ladder. What I do like about it is it has a 12V power source, just wish it had gator clips for the power as I usually install 12/24 VAC auto sensing cameras that just have wire leads which I tie into 22/4 security wire with B crimps, would save me from having to use a power balun to get it to work, although I guess I could rig something up myself.


What other cool tools do you have in your bag?


The day you are faced with a cable fracture and can locate it but can't replace the cable yet either because of weather of urgent appointment, Knowing where the break is, you can do a temporary repair until such time as you can return to do a cable replacement, leaving a happy client!


"I found the fault and have done a temporary repair, but I'll have to return and replace the cable" Makes good sense to me!


223264_1.1+ 223264_2.1

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I'm glad I'm not one of you Professionals, having to work on analog systems would send me over the edge!


Ethernet cable is nice... so many ways to cheat... the IQ tells me where the break is! but most of the time I just run more cables than I need to any location so I just bypass that cable

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Good suggestion Numb-Nuts never thought to do that, might get the tester as knowing there is a brake in the cable isn't as good as knowing exactly where the break is, but in a pinch this idea would work great.


I have the CCTV test monitor you pictures and agree its sturdy but I doubt it will survive a fall from my ladder. What I do like about it is it has a 12V power source, just wish it had gator clips for the power as I usually install 12/24 VAC auto sensing cameras that just have wire leads which I tie into 22/4 security wire with B crimps, would save me from having to use a power balun to get it to work, although I guess I could rig something up myself.


What other cool tools do you have in your bag?


The day you are faced with a cable fracture and can locate it but can't replace the cable yet either because of weather of urgent appointment, Knowing where the break is, you can do a temporary repair until such time as you can return to do a cable replacement, leaving a happy client!


"I found the fault and have done a temporary repair, but I'll have to return and replace the cable" Makes good sense to me!


223264_1.1+ 223264_2.1



I like your style, not only am I going to fix it for you and bill you but I am going to come back and run new cable and bill you again


Now I know what the picture on the left is of, but am I correct in assuming the one on the right is just a junction box?

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the right is a dodgy arse(I don't personally like them, I prefer to use a RJ45 female and then a RJ45 male, faster/easier/less connections) female to female adapter, so I suspect what he's suggesting is that he throws a RJ45 on each side of the damaged cable and uses the adapter, I believe the adapter and cables are routed so that the Join is located in the Junction which, with the right bushing, is sealed against the elements (I would take things further and use a dessicant packet in there as well if it's like to be there a while)

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^^^ Agreed a key stone type jack and a RJ-45 end is all you need.



yeah especially if your indoors, when it comes to repair there it comes down to (for me) how much effort I want to go to with the repair, I have plenty of the keystones (as you say) that I just use with the RJ45's, which is quite a cheap and easy solution, I generally just use a cable tie which goes around the keystone and the cable so any "yank" on the cable actually seats the individual strands of the cable into the keystone further, you could even cable tie the cable from the RJ45 male into the same tie as the keystone.

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the right is a dodgy arse(I don't personally like them, I prefer to use a RJ45 female and then a RJ45 male, faster/easier/less connections) female to female adapter, so I suspect what he's suggesting is that he throws a RJ45 on each side of the damaged cable and uses the adapter, I believe the adapter and cables are routed so that the Join is located in the Junction which, with the right bushing, is sealed against the elements (I would take things further and use a dessicant packet in there as well if it's like to be there a while)

Actually what I showed was a TEMPORARY - REPAIR and no mean permanent! It is just to keep the client in business (Recording/ monitoring) then I return to totally replace the cable. I dont charge for the temporary repair as a seperate item but it does get included in the follow up replacement cable. WHAT, AM I TO WORK FREE? NO CHANCE!


No I only do a temp repair to get the client 's system working again, I tell them in no uncertain terms I have done a Temp repair but the cable needs replacement and I will return when I hhave a slot to replace it. To leave it the way it is would be risky


I actually have a client that is an ice cream vendor and they receive their dry goods such as ice cream cones in cases with loads of Desiccant sachets. These used to get thrown, now the get saved for me and these go in junction boxes or a couple in camera housings.

Gotta go eat my dinner g'night all

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Good to hear buddy!


I'm not suggesting that you would intend for the customer to use a repair for any great length of time, I just know from past experience what customers are like when it comes to getting something that's "repaired to work working" to something that's "as per origional installation and working"


"She'll be right for a few more days/weeks/months"

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This is how that conversation would go with most of my customers:


Me: I have found the problem and put a temporary fix in place to keep you up and running and will be back to rerun the cable when I can fit you in.


Customer: is it working like it was before?


Me: Yes the repair will keep it working until the cable can be replaced.


Customer: We don't want to spend anymore, just leave the repair and we will call you if we start to have problems again.

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Good to hear buddy!


I'm not suggesting that you would intend for the customer to use a repair for any great length of time, I just know from past experience what customers are like when it comes to getting something that's "repaired to work working" to something that's "as per origional installation and working"


"She'll be right for a few more days/weeks/months"


Then they would get an invoice from me just the same, including the cable replacement I was intending to do. SORRY....!


Actually none of my clients are like that because if they behave in a that way, I drop them like a hot potato. I've have done this twice before

been out to quote for a repair, "I'll think about it" okay while you think about it here's my call out bill think about that and chew on it.!

When they phone back a week or two later having had all the other techs in the area looking to fix the fault on a no fix no fee basis

NOBODY in the district wants to work there. They call me and say sorry I'm fully booked. All my clients end up as pals but they understand I have to charge.

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Final Verdict: Toss is the prick.


What a wealth of information you are. I'm sure there will be many people visiting this forum to seek advice from someone who strings a couple of hundred feet of cat5 cable up in the trees and then seeks help when it doesn't work. Maybe the solution will come from someone who confesses to obtaining their vast wealth of knowledge from forums and youtube.

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