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Video and Power 2300 Ft.

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I have a client that is looking to put an eight channel system in a construction site with some looooooong runs.


There is going to be video and power runs anywhere from 200Ft. to 2300Ft. max. What kind of suggestions do you recommend. All cable runs will be outside. Fibre is not an option. He may go to a wireless solution but I need to quote him both ways.


Thanks for the help guys.

Edited by Guest

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on the wired side I'd go with CAT5/28vac on the long runs beyond 500ft. so that you have allowed for the voltage drop. use active baluns. cable? unless you spend a fortune on outdoor protected, and it sounds to me like this is a temp install, I'd just run the CAT5 and protect where needed. ie. run cable in the ground, pvc tube, from the site to a location away from and then go above ground the rest of the way. since it is a construction site the cable repair business will be good..............make sure your qoute does not allow for "free" cable repairs or you'll go broke. give them a few different quotes; cheap, cable exposed; expensive, cable protected; medium, combination of.


wireless? this maybe the best if you have good site power at the construction location. consider purchasing the wireless equipment and renting it to them until the completed install? You'll get the job with the lower quote and the final install.................

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I appreciate the response. They are going to be doing the install. I will only be providing the Equipment/Products. And yes it will be temporary and be moved from one site to the other.

I am kind of leaning towards wireless but $8000.00 just for the TX/RX dont know if that will fly.



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