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Setting up surveillance camera outside, do I need a sign?

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I live in a residential area and I am from Toronto, Canada. I want to ask if I set up a surveillance camera outside, do I need to put a sign to indicate that he/she is being recorded? I have a sidewalk near an intersection where traffic is high. I want to set up a camera to see which idiot always drive into my driveway and leaving tire smirks on my interlocks. Also, I am putting it on as a safety protection incase someone file for sidewalk slipping injuries as we have a lot of frauds in our area for this. Is there a law require for Canadian to put up a sign to indicate there's a surveillance camera?

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"You may be monitored or recorded by CCTV".


If you say you "are" recorded and then they demand the video by way of court order and you don't have it maybe you can be held liable for some reason like false perception of security.



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The law is different in every part of the world, here in the UK you would be exempt as a domestic user but good sense says that making

potential intruders AWARE they might provide evidence of their identity or crime is an added deterrent

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As this is not a public place you are not required to.


Also most signs say something like video surveillance in use, not you are being recorded.


You can get signs really cheap though if you do feel like putting one up.

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Yeah your local supplier should have these ready made signs in stock or try ebay. I like the foamex board ones, I just attcch these with masonry nails into the mortar joints or wooden sidewall. Aluminium sidings you'll nees some self tappers and silicone. Available in various sizes and they usually are very effective deterrent. Whats the point in having CCTV if you dont let people know that any funny-stuff is going to be recorded so they might try somewhere else Of course if you don't like the look of them...you are not obliged


The phrase overlook I have found useful. "my cameras just happen to overlook that area but they are watching my garden actually"

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... good sense says that making potential intruders AWARE they might provide evidence of their identity or crime is an added deterrent


Our community pool has a sign mounted to the gate that must be routinely repaired because people use the sign as a foothold as they climb over the fence. When I arrive with the police, I always ask them, did you see the large sign with big red letters that says the area is under video surveillance? Some say they did not see the sign and others say they thought the cameras were fake. In my experience, signs are not an effective deterrent. Your area may require signs for legal reasons, but I would not bother putting them up for security reasons.




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why are they climbing into a community pool? Swimming at night?


... good sense says that making potential intruders AWARE they might provide evidence of their identity or crime is an added deterrent


Our community pool has a sign mounted to the gate that must be routinely repaired because people use the sign as a foothold as they climb over the fence. When I arrive with the police, I always ask them, did you see the large sign with big red letters that says the area is under video surveillance? Some say they did not see the sign and others say they thought the cameras were fake. In my experience, signs are not an effective deterrent. Your area may require signs for legal reasons, but I would not bother putting them up for security reasons.




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why are they climbing into a community pool? Swimming at night?


... good sense says that making potential intruders AWARE they might provide evidence of their identity or crime is an added deterrent


Our community pool has a sign mounted to the gate that must be routinely repaired because people use the sign as a foothold as they climb over the fence. When I arrive with the police, I always ask them, did you see the large sign with big red letters that says the area is under video surveillance? Some say they did not see the sign and others say they thought the cameras were fake. In my experience, signs are not an effective deterrent. Your area may require signs for legal reasons, but I would not bother putting them up for security reasons.





Well thats your experience, but no type of sign could guarantee but better to have tried and failed than never to have tried at all,

If people think the cameras are fakes then nobody and nothing will convince them anything different even a poke with a sharp stick probably wouldnt have any effect, point is there are those that it WILL deter and some deterrent is better than none. If someone is high om meth of course it's not going to deter them but it's worth a try wouldn't you say? Anyway we are getting a bit sidetracked here the from the main question.

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better to have tried and failed than never to have tried at all,


I have discussed security issues with hundreds of homeowners and there are two common patterns regarding security signage. First, security signs are free and many homeowners opt for the signs rather than pay for a security system. Second, signs give a false sense of security, and those homeowners who have signage are less likely to turn on the security system when they are away. The real question is, how do burglars react to security signs? The majority of "research" is really just an advertorial, but if you tease out actual unbiased research, the data is not clear that burglars are less likely to hit a home with signage, and some even argue that burglars are more likely to hit a home with signage because it's either a bluff or they are using the signs to avoid having to turn on the security system every time they leave the home. YMMV.




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