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Hikvision / Swann / Lorex IP Device Management Protocol

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Hikvision has a useful document here (sorry, the board won't let me use a URL tag):



Simple example of how to use it:


Retrieve shutter speed from camera. I use cURL to request the URL and the camera returns an XML block:

curl http://admin:12345@


Camera returns:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Shutter version="1.0" xmlns="http://www.hikvision.com/ver10/XMLSchema">


To change the shutter speed from 1/12 to 1/30 I change the value and upload the text back to the camera. You could easily script this but for simplicity I just saved the previous text into a file called "shutter.xml". I edit the file to change 1/12 to 1/30 and upload the file (again using cURL). The camera changes the setting and responds with an OK status.


curl -T shutter.xml http://admin:12345@

Camera returns:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ResponseStatus version="1.0" xmlns="http://www.hikvision.com/ver10/XMLSchema">


This will work on a Mac or on Linux. I believe there is a version of cURL for Windows, or you could use any other tool that allows you to do gets and puts to a web server. And of course you could script this to occur at various times of the day, for example with cron on Linux. It appears that most / all camera settings are accessible through this method.

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