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From a supplier installer's view

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what do people here think of Hikvision DVRs and cameras? I am just starting to give them a try, my first Hikvision install tomorrow...



Can't comment on their camera's or DVR's but have always loved their lens' great price point and solid build. Let me know how you like their DVR's I would like to know if they are any good.

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Well the install is going well, only got started thsi afternoon about 2pm and have one outdoor and one indoor camera up as well as the DVR lockbox (Haydon of course) mounted to the wall creating a shelf. Their basic indoor dome costs me £18,00 plus tax but I have to say its superb at the the money. Really small, very neat and tidy, aims wells and colour reproduction is first rate. Their basic outdoor IR 3.6mm fixed lens camera is very tidy, well finished and great colour reproduction. I had to have some extension brackets made because the IR BUllet cameras are to cover the front and side street of a showroom and needed to clear a sign light-box about 300mm deep. I think they look very tidy and work well, I just wish the fly-lead was a little longer say another 50-100 mm otherwise I can see a time when I am going to have to mount a junction box on the front of the extension bracket.


I'll post some photos tomorrow evening. but for now here's the camera ready to install fixed to it's extension bracket.

The backplate holes are vertical 75mm centers incidentally the height of a common house brick, so if I drill the top two on the centreline of a brick course, the bottom two also coincide with the next course's centreline.


In use surprisingly sturdy and steady. On this one because the cable exit is at the bottom of the mounting plate it was welded on where the cable leaves so that it could loop and be tied to the extension tube. An IP66 junction box ( Wiska) was mounted adjacent to the base plate looks very tidy and works well. Used 7mm plugs and no 8 screws, you could hang off the bracket, but please don't try. SOLID AS A ROCK!



Edited by Guest

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Would love to see some pictures, been thinking about trying some of their gear, but haven't been sure on the quality.



The little indoor camera is great for the money, The one in the picture with the bracket 3.6mm fixed lens is a fair but not outstanding. The DVR takes a little getting use to, I already locked myself out of the admin account not sure how but the password by default is 12345. The menu system id quite intuitive after a few minutes familiarising yourself. The DVR build quality is good to great

and I like that there are no buttons on the front. It fits nicely in Haydon's medium size lock-box with plenty of rear space for power supplies and baluns etc. Also you could squeeze another in on top if you needed to.


In this picture, the lock-box is precariously bolted the the wall and the column, I say precariously because the walls were like papier mache, so I have had another bracket made and I'll bolt that to the underside of the lockbox and to the floor and it will stabilize the lock-box which will be home to a 1080p Television or high resolution HDMI Monitor.


I have to say the lock-box isn't the best I've seen it's metal is a bit thin...and yes I know I have used different colours of Junction box, thats because I ran out of white ones and had to use what I had. I found another white JB after returning home. TYPICAL


I am not great fan of change, but this is a change I feel I might deal with easily. The DVR isn't at all bad and the menus are refreshingly very easy to follow. I like the way they work. I'll let you know what the remote software and player software are like after I go back on Wednesday as this client forgot to mention he's not on the telephone yet,or broadband.



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Messed up with the password and wasn't able to unlock the admin account, not bad going for first try

The technical support at my supplier was first rate, after having a good laugh at my expense, we moved on

to resetting the default passsword to the admin account which for Hikvision is 12345


I connected with a crossover cable, lucky I knew how to make one (I had to make one on the spot) I know I know I should have had one already but I have now for you purists. We did an ip scan and found the DVR, they asked the DVR start date and time, the Serial and one other piece of info, can't remember what that was. They sent these to Hikvision in China and Hikvision retuned with a code to enter which I di and BINGO it was reset. I was very careful in resetting the admin password this time as you can imagine. I unlocked the DVR several times and logged out before leaving the premises.


Thanks to all my supplier's Tech Support staff, you've earned my trust and respect. You know who you are Charlie, Silvano, Joss.... and others.

I'll be in touch soon for some further training sessions, I always training teaches me something new even if it is only humility.

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