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Want to be able to review all 4 channels simultaneously

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My previous (older) DVR was an old jpeg unit... Did a nice job. No mobile support.


I "upgraded" to a WinBook H.264, full D1 @ 30, it was an open-box item that I "stole" for $47.99. For that price, it's really a great little DVR.


The one thing we miss is being able to review ALL FOUR channels (synched) as events happened. I could do one of 2 things with the old unit:

1. Set record mode to "ALL", where if motion was triggered on 1 cam, all 4 cams would wake/record, or

2. (Preferred) Begin reviewing at a given time, maybe in 64x or 128x (which BTW this new one comes NOWHERE NEAR that FFwd speed) and view in Quad screen. As events happened on any channel, that channel would display video. Obviously if a subject starts on one cam and walks all the way around my house, I'd see that progression.


The new DVR doesn't seem to work that way. The "smoothest" way is to just view one channel for a given time, then recall the timeframe for the next cam, and so on. The "CMS" software has a "Synchronous" check mark but it does nothing.


I'd like to have my old functionality back, to see my entire property as events actually occurred. I'm guessing (more than guessing) the limitation is just the result of a very, very cheaply made DVR and I've been considering trying to throw it on CL and grabbing a Dahua rebrand from securitycameraking or something along those lines unless you guys have any input on that.


Thanks in advance for any replies/guidance!


P.S. - While i have your attention - I've got one Covisec camera that recently developed a problem where you'll get a random 1 second WHITE flash (washes out the image) and also get random DARK outs, like the iris or shutter is going bad? Any fix for that or just replacement?

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Well, if your DVR only supports one channel playback, and you want 4... As you said, throw it away and get another unit that does what you need. Among others, Dahua will do it.

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