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Anykeeper 2016 (Cant get color! only B&W)

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i'm a newbie here and purchased a diy (do it yourself) kit for this item. I've had a little trouble installing this item but because the company that i purchased it from are based in china, i got very little tech support or it didnt feel like they understood what i was asking and so ive pretty much been on my own.


I have gotten as far as getting the software up and running, however on the control screen all the cameras are displayed as black and white. on the tv out the camera is displayed in color.


ive tried uninstalling and reinstalling the software but it doesnt work. For a brief period of time on the first time i installed it, the software was working fine and everything appeared in color. But i tampered with almost every aspect of the software and i dont recall anything that converted the software from color to black and white.


So if anyone is familiar with this software or would know how to get the software to display in color again i would greatly appreciate your help.




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also, make sure the saturation level is set to 50%, if it is on 0% then the picture will be in B/W.

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when i installed the software i selected ntsc.

when i get to work tomorrow i will see if the settings are set otherwise and if it is i will fix it.


ill also check the saturation.


ive uninstalled and reinstalled the software several times. the first time i got the software to run it was running in color. It just all of a sudden lost color and it has stayed that way and thats why i uninstalled and reinstalled thinking it would fix the problem.


but yea... no cigar =/

thanks for your guys feedback. ill get back to you guys first thing tomorrow.



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uninstalling video software and reinstaling wont neccassariy fix the saturation, hues, etc. for the capture card. Especially if the software creates a database file or setting in the registry somewhere, so it can just reuse it when it is reinstalled. Depends on the software and card used.



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ahh i see ^_^


yea so i changed the saturation setting but it didnt alter the coloring. (it stayed in black and white).


i also checked and made sure the software and the settings didnt conflict (both are set to ntsc)


is there anything else that might be causing the discoloration of the cameras?


thanks for your guys help


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What cameras are they? (Day Night/Color?)

Can you test them just to make sure on a TV that they are in color?


Also check the pins if you are using a pigtail with the DVR card to make sure none are broken or missing.



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hi rory

the cameras work fine thru the tv out. The tv out is displayed all the time in the front of the store and all the cameras are in color


there is supposed to be another 5-9 cameras but i havent added anymore due to the issue with the discoloring of the cameras.


they are connected to a pigtail and there are no broken or disfigured pins on either of them. ive tried switching them around and swapping them but no matter what combination i try, they still remain in black and white.


there is no distortion on the cameras. they're just discolored when viewed through the software.



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sounds more like a software problem, since the TV out is displaying color, and that comes through the card. I know it could be a pain in the butt, but perhaps try a reformat, reload windows and the DVR software and try it again, or if you can find the files uses and registry areas for the DVR software and delete them, OR, if you have another PC already with windows, to test it on ..?



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Alrightey. ill try the reformat.


i tried downloading and running a registry cleaner but the software isnt listed under the cleaner uninstaller and i couldnt find where the registry files were placed manually (but that makes sense because if the registry cleaner couldnt find it how could i?). but i guess thats what i get for turning to foreign software to save an extra buck or two =/


ill reformat after i back up the converted surveillance files (avi's of store incidences). it may take me a while, because i dont have a temp storage device to transfer the files so im going to have to figure something out.


but ill definitely get back to you asap and let you know what's up with the system after i reformat it.


thanks for all your help


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