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Trendnet TV-IP672WI scheduled reboot

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I have 12 Trendnet TV-IP672WI Megapixel cameras in my office. I'm very satisfied with the image quality and the SecurView server software is more than adequate for my needs.


However, these cameras have a rather alarming problem. It simply disappears off the network after a random amount of time, regardless if its connected by ethernet or wifi. Sometimes its 2-3 days, sometimes its more than a week. I've contacted TrendNet support, they don't seem to know why. The issue was with the original 1.0 firmware, and i recently upgraded all cameras to Firmware 1.1 and there's been no change at all. Only solution to bring it back is to power cycle it.


Since I'm now stuck with them, I'm trying to figure out a way to schedule a reboot them once a day. I started searching, and found something promising, but unfortunately it doesn't work for this camera.



curl -u admin:password ""


I played around with mine and found that the reboot.cgi sits in /eng/admin/ path, but the reboot string doesn't seem to work... Can anyone help me figure out how I may accomplish this, or maybe another solution for these cameras not to disappear off the network?

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