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Hard Drive Not Working!! Help!!

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hello! i own two no brand DVRs, one bought just 1 month ago and the other one is 1 year old! the problem i have is not with the dvr's but with the the new hard drive that i bought! is a WD Caviar Blue 1TB!


The old hard drive( WD Caviar Green 1TB) works just fine in both DVRs but the new one only works when i set the dvr not to record and reboot it. If i install the hard drive and then boot the DVRs with the recording already configured the HDD won t get recognized( not even in HDD menu). Strangely when the Hard Drive get recognized it will work until the DVR get rebooted (for hours). I tried to format the HDD in the DVR ( when it had been recognized) and in a PC but with no success the issues remained, while strange enough in the pc the hard drive works as it should be. i had it checked by the Warranty and those guys said it's all okay.


Is there any specific method to format the HDD with a PC. Is the Blue Caviar not supported by my DVR or i just got a faulty unit and i should try to get it replaced once again since the warranty said is all okay.


The HDD act in the same way in both DVR.



DVR Firmware: V2.62.R07

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you could try a power supply with more Amps also try to restore dvr to the factory settings

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