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Digital DVR networked over LAN and WAN..do I need CAT V?

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Hi all,


I have searched, so I'm sorry if this has been asked before.


I have a 8 channel DVR which is now networked over WiFi and Internet. We can view the CCTV on phones, Mac and Windows. I have a few questions so I can improve my system.


1. Windows software lets me have audio, I've been unable to find MAC software that allows me to listen to the CCTV audio...any suggestions?


2. I've currently have the audio and video signals running thru video/audio leads to the bedroom TV, but it is such a long run the picture is poor quality and affects the picture on the TV connected via RS lead.

How can I get a better quality signal to the bedroom TV? CAT V or do modern smart TV's connect to the WiFi - allowing me to view it that way? Or is there another way?


Thanks in advance.

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So your DVR has wireless built in? What model is this?


As for viewing thru a smart TV that is not really an option because 99% of smart TV's don't have a browser that is capable of handling active X or Java. Unless your DVR manufacturer makes an app specific to your TV that isn't an option without a computer attached to your TV (via HDMI).


Now the audio, I am confused there. Are you getting audio from them now?

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Thanks for the reply. The DVR is just a generic Chinese one, its not even got a brand name. I'm currently getting audio through TV's that are hard wired and I can get audio through my son's windows laptop...but not the MAC devices.


Worst comes to the worst, I could either buy a cheap PC and sit it next to the TV upstairs or just use Apple TV and make do without audio. I'd much prefer to keep the audio tho.

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