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Great camera during the day BUT Distorted image at night

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The camera works fine during the day but at night the top part of the camera is wavy.

I was wondering if anyone can shed some light onto why the camera image id distorted at night. Please see below youtube link to see what I mean.



If you have any idea why this heppening and even better how to retify the situation please let me know.



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I can't watch the video at work, but a common cause of image problems at night is the IR LEDs coming on and loading down the power supply, especially if it's a long or light gauge power cable. You can test this by hooking up a power supply much closer to the camera with a short run.


IR reflections are another big problem, but those usually cause washout, not wavy images.

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You can try hook up camera with monitor withput DVR then to see how it is. If the phenomenon still exist it means camera is defective intially.


By contrast, if it works well, you may try another port of DVR to look.

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As stated an under rated power supply is usually the cause but if it is a fairly cheap camera then it may just be that it is trying to compensate for it's poor quality design by having crazy AGC thresholds to obtain some sort of IR performance

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