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Yearly Check-In. Are thermal surveillance cameras cheap yet?

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Just checking to see if thermal surveillance cameras have entered the price point of the cctv hobbiest yet?


What is the going rate for the lowest cost thermal imaging camera?


Infra red is great, but I want thermal.


I'll be back.


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Just checking to see if thermal surveillance cameras have entered the price point of the cctv hobbiest yet?

What is the going rate for the lowest cost thermal imaging camera?

Infra red is great, but I want thermal.

I'll be back.

What is affordable price point for you ?

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Just checking to see if thermal surveillance cameras have entered the price point of the cctv hobbiest yet?

What is the going rate for the lowest cost thermal imaging camera?

Infra red is great, but I want thermal.

I'll be back.

What is affordable price point for you ?


I think for a thermal imaging surveillance camera I would probably hope to pay between $300 and $667 or so.

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Just checking to see if thermal surveillance cameras have entered the price point of the cctv hobbiest yet?

What is the going rate for the lowest cost thermal imaging camera?

Infra red is great, but I want thermal.

I'll be back.

What is affordable price point for you ?


I think for a thermal imaging surveillance camera I would probably hope to pay between $300 and $667 or so.


Sorry that is not going to happen at this point

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I think for a thermal imaging surveillance camera I would probably hope to pay between $300 and $667 or so.


Sorry that is not going to happen at this point


Any idea how much the very lowest price thermal imaging camera goes for?

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Any idea how much the very lowest price thermal imaging camera goes for?


just installed few of them

each msrp about $3500


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I think for a thermal imaging surveillance camera I would probably hope to pay between $300 and $667 or so.


Any idea how much the very lowest price thermal imaging camera goes for?


just installed few of them

each msrp about $3500


Jeepers Creepers. That seems high.


The WatchMaster IP Elite thermal camera was only $1999 over a year and a half ago.




Would guess it would have dropped at least a couple hundred in the past 1.5 years, but not necessarily. My wv-sc385 didn't go down very much in 1 year, in fact I think it stayed the same. (regular ir ptz cam, no thermal)


Was the resolution of the cams you installed much higher than the 320x240 of the WatchMaster? Have you ever done a side by side comparison with the WatchMaster, or is it too low end compared to what you usually go with?


I'm mainly looking for something new to play around with. Regular IR is great but thermal imaging would be a nice fun toy to experiment with. I keep waiting and waiting. I think I would maybe bite for as high as $998.32 but not a penny more.




"The WatchMaster® IP Elite, produced by the Reconnaissance, Surveillance and Target Acquisition (RSTA) Group of DRS, is now available starting at $1,999 for the 40° field of view model. At this extremely competitive price, businesses, government facilities, schools, utilities and other organizations that require demanding 24/7 surveillance can employ thermal capabilities to help heighten their security.


The WatchMaster® IP Elite detects infrared (heat) waves instead of visible light, allowing it to display a sharp 320 x 240 pixel image through haze, dust, smoke, light fog and dark of night, conditions that severely limit performance of alternative imaging systems in low-light and other challenging environments. RSTA’s infrared technology clearly displays potential threats that would be difficult or impossible to detect with conventional cameras. "

Edited by Guest

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[quote name="LittleScoobyMaster"


I think for a thermal imaging surveillance camera I would probably hope to pay between $300 and $667 or so.

Was the resolution of the cams you installed much higher than the 320x240 of the WatchMaster? Have you ever looked at the WatchMaster' date=' or is it too low end compared to what you usually go with?[/quote]

i did 320x240

vga res is lot more money

sorry, i do not discuss prices on open forum

only msrp

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I think for a thermal imaging surveillance camera I would probably hope to pay between $300 and $667 or so.

Was the resolution of the cams you installed much higher than the 320x240 of the WatchMaster? Have you ever looked at the WatchMaster, or is it too low end compared to what you usually go with?


i did 320x240

vga res is lot more money

sorry, i do not discuss prices on open forum

only msrp


Yeah, I can understand the pricing thing. I know it's odd. On one part of the forum, we have retail pricing wars for cameras, and on other parts it's hard to get pricing, usually for the more high end equipment.




Maybe once these thermal camera's hit retail, we will start to see more pricing info on them like we are seeing with Hikvision, Dahua, and other cameras.


So, I guess, the lowest cost thermal imaging camera right now is the $1999 MSRP WatchMaster IP Elite. That's tempting, but still out of my price range. Le sigh.


Has anyone demo'd this thermal camera yet? It looks very interesting to say the least. I'm going to have to dig up today's pricing in case they have lowered since first introduced.


I like how the case snaps closed in that video. It just clicks.



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Here is a sample from our thermal solution. This is with the older model DRS.




That's nice. I can't wait until I can get one of those.


I'm noticing that there is also a kickstarter type campaign for Mu Thermal Cameras. They are attempting to get the price point of a starter thermal camera down to only $300 retail.


It's only 160x120 pixels now, but I'm sure they will be able to up that to 320x240 over time with added cost.


They are using smartphones and tablets to replace the internal components of traditional thermal cameras.


This of course comes as no surprise as many smartphones and tablets coming out this year and next are starting to be as powerful as desktop computers and laptops from only a few years back, many smartphones and tablets now have dual and quad cores as well as high end graphics chips.


Not quite as ideal as true thermal surveillance cameras, but it could help bring the prices down of thermal imaging technology quite a bit, which seems to be their goal. It will support H.264 streaming over wired and wi-fi it appears, so I would imagine it could be used with Geo\Blue Iris. Not sure of the release date yet. I'm going to join the kickstarter (indiego) to get one of the first releases. Should be fun I hope. I guess when this is released it will be the lowest priced thermal imaging camera on the market.







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Holy mack-or-roni and cheeseballs on a stick! I found an even lower priced thermal camera alternative. You need an Iphone or Ipad to use it.


It's the IR-Blue.



It has a very low resolution. Only 32x4 pixels I think. But these are no ordinary pixels. Instead, they are extra giant mutated mack daddy sized pixels from Mars.


Anyone hook this up to your IP NVR's yet? The cost is only $190 built and even less in kit form.




I almost wonder if there would be a way to combine a couple of these to make a 32x8 or 32x12 resolution or something like that. Hmm.


It's like, looking through the eyes of a low resolution predator.




This must be how their technology started out. To quote someone famous:


"You are one ugly ******-******."


Get to the chopper! Now!!!!



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