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Please help - new interference on existing home CCTV system

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Greetings everyone, great forum and thanks for allowing me to post a question. I have a K-Guard 8 channel DVR system, with 8 standard wired cameras protecting my property. I installed this myself using the supplied/standard equipment. That was back in 2010. Since then it has work flawlessly and I've been very pleased with it.


However, about 4 or 5 weeks ago, I started getting interference on 4 of the cameras, which I had not had before. This takes the form of slow rolling horizontal "faded" lines, usually 2 on screen at any one time. The affected cameras are all on the same side of the house. Would anyone have any idea what might suddenly have started affecting them? The next door property is about 10 feet from my house. Thanks for any help you can offer, happy to answer any further questions. Doug.



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Did the problem start all at once? Do those cams happen to share the same power supply splitter? If so, it's probably a bad power supply. What happens if you swap cables at the DVR with the "good" channels? If the problem moves with the cameras then it's the cams or power supply. Run the cams (or individual ones) from a 12v battery to test which. If the problem stays the same when running from battery, then you've got bad cams. Probably the power supply if 4 went at once though. If it stays the same with the DVR connections then it's probably the DVR. Either way, the first and cheapest step is to replace the cam power supply. Then try ground loop isolators. Then replace the DVR. You might've recently added something to the house that's causing interference, but a new quality power supply might even clean that up.

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Thanks so much - I'll take a look - yes, four cameras went at once, about 3 years after installation and they are sharing a 12v PSU. I'll take a look and very much appreciate the pointer! Doug

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If you have two power supplies powering 4 cams each, switch 'em and see what happens. That's easier than getting a battery and trying that tip out. Probably just one PS went bad.

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A big THANK YOU Kawboy! " title="Applause" /> " title="Applause" /> " title="Applause" />


You were spot on! The four affected cameras were all running off the same PSU. I swapped this out for another which I had and BINGO all the interference has gone. You've saved me a lot of time and effort (and probably money) and I'm really grateful for you taking the time to suggest this.


I hope this thread can help others with similar issues...



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