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Upgrading Calibur by Kalatel DVMRe-16ct help...

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We have a DVMRe-16ct at work that the Hard drives failed awhile ago. I've been tasked with fixing/replacing parts.


Here's my questions


It has 2 120Gig 5400 Maxtor Hard Drives, and 2 64meg ram chips


What is the highest recognizable Ram I can put in there and the highest HDD?


Also do the harddrives need to be formatted or just installed?


I'd appreciate any help I can get.



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You do not have to worry about increasing RAM - however, you can replace the hard drives just fine.


What is needed are PATA drives (regular ATA) drives... currently nobody makes them, so search for these type of hard drives online. We were able to install (2) 750GB drives at one point (years ago) and worked great. You probably can find 500GB PATA drives quicker...


The only other more important aspect for such upgrade is to change the power supply - to higher amperage and what is available today is the 7.5A 12vdc... check your power supply specs and if it is lower than this spec, then replace it. These systems were shipped with 5A version and there were a lot of issues... later GE upgraded them to 7.5A version.


Lastly, change any fans that come with this unit - to insure that there are no heat build ups...


Good luck.

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Cool thanks I appreciate the info.


Do the hard drives need to be formatted or firmware upgrades?


or just plug in new Hard drives.. If firmware needs to be upgraded where can you find the firmware?

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You do not need to format anything.. the system does it automatically at its own. No need to upgrade the firmware either... even if you needed for something (not sure for what reason), it may be very difficult to find it and it requires special software to perform such upgrade.. so do not worry about firmware upgrade.


Find PATA drives and install them (make sure to assign the "master" and "slave" jumpers correctly"... also, make sure your power supply can handle the additional power it will need.. otherwise the system will not work correctly. Go with the recommended power supply above... if need one, we stock them just in case and you can PM me for details...

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