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SAS vs. SATA drives

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From what I read, the SAS drives are 10x more reliable (when looking at bit error rates), they have a longer MTBF and also perform better (up to 3x as fast).


SATA drives are obviously more economical, but is the cost difference worthwhile going from SATA to SAS?


The application is for video recording (IP camera NVR archiving) on an college campus network


I noticed many security and VMS manufacturers using SATA drives on their quotes, Is this just to remain competitive in the market? or are SATA drives perfectly acceptable?



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As long as you setup RAID and have a proper backup procedure I see no reason for using SAS disks over SATA.


Spinning disks have more than enough bandwidth to keep up with recording video. 10 cams at 1.3mp and 10FPS recording 24 hours you only need 7.3TB in total bandwidth over 7 days.


Which is about 710mb per minute (a single spinning disk can easily keep up with this, they normally top out around 130/140mb/s i.e. around 6-8GB per minute max).


With RAID that speed should be go up.

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