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hi new to this but after some help I have a cctv system in place but I need a camera that has a good zoom (long range camera) nothing special just one that does the job any recomondations



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You are too vague. What do you want the camera to do? Identify faces at 1000'? Overview an acre at 500'? Licence plates at night at 2000'? $300 bud?get? $1500 budget? $10,000?

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hi new to this but after some help I have a cctv system in place but I need a camera that has a good zoom (long range camera) nothing special just one that does the job any recomondations





Yeah , a description of "the job" would be good

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There are quite some types meet your requirements,like swann PRO-780,XIS Q6032 etc.but it depends on your budget.

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