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Cloud based or Analog Video control?

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I bought recently a property...I want to put video surveillance!

I checked the prices to get regular video camares and recording system, but I did a little research!

It is expensive to buy all this hardware - about $300-$400..

With the cloud based IP surveillance is different stroy - I just need to buy IP cameras and hooked them up to my internet connection!

Also checked several sites, that are with pretty good quality services fennocloudcam(dot)com, ivideon(dot)com..They provide different plans for homes and business!

I talked with a guy from fennocloudcam and He explained, that if I get home based recording ssystem and server and if someone comes to my property - thief or someone else, He can steal the servers and the recordings will be gone. If they are cloud based and I have an UPS system somewhere in my garage or basement- my internet and electric power will not disappear, if the thifs cut the electric cables and all my recordings and live monitoring will be protected!

What do you think..I choce fennocloudcam, but maybe there are other options as well..Please advise!


Thank you,


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Did you read terms of contract. ???


Go with analog system if 400 is your budget


But that cloud with 3rd party involvement ....... Is not secure at all

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It is really good service I use at the moment..Fennocloudcam provide me with great security, plus I can monitor from anywhere, while I travel...Their servers are in different countries and backed up really well! I think cloud based solutions are the future...Why paying extra for unreliable hardware..What will happen, when they stole it..How can I get my recordings???

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Ok, here is the BIG problem with cloud based security. Any bonehead can clip your cable and phone lines to instantly kill your stream to the recording service. That means that the actual crime will not be recorded. If you buy a proper lock box and install someplace even a little bit difficult, your recordings will be good to go. As for unreliable hardware.... these cloud sales guys have you all screwed up. I have worked with DVR's from the pit of the low end all the way up to crazy high level Gov't security gear and the DVR's themselves almost never fail unless they are placed someplace really stupid (too hot or cold, lack of ventilation, etc.) so trust me when i say that reliability is not an issue.

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Hello again..The guys from fennocloudcam explained in details about the security concerns:

regarding security concerns:

1. Fennocloudcam is hosted in Finland so no NSA or other security concerns

2. Better security with off-site video-storage so no one can grab it or destroy it

3. Constant monitoring and instant alerts in case of connection problems

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Unless that system has some sort of local failover recording capability I would not trust it. The point here is to have reliable video evidence of a bad guy, right? Well if the bad guy cuts your connection and all you get is an alert, that is not getting you anything useful. Unless you are planning on alarming and putting cameras on your cable coming into the building, it is 100% pointless.

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Hello again..The guys from fennocloudcam explained in details about the security concerns:

regarding security concerns:

1. Fennocloudcam is hosted in Finland so no NSA or other security concerns

2. Better security with off-site video-storage so no one can grab it or destroy it

3. Constant monitoring and instant alerts in case of connection problems




try doing something simple ...... load some of your camera footage from 3 days ago ???


and also give costs for getting footage you need back ......... do that a few times a year and NVR is much cheaper


3rd party is never any good just wastes money ......... your protecting your own property yet you don't have full control or control who from 3rd party is watching

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