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I need a great system for less than $500. LOL

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OK, I need a system for less than $500 that will get the job done!

I'll rephrase it since I'm sure a great system is not in my price range! LOL


Here's what I need and thinking of.

The property only has road frontage to front and side/rear are fenced.

There is about 4 buildings taking maybe 200ft frontage side to side I need to watch. From building fronts to HY is maybe 20' more or less, this is where the vehicles of thieves would pull in and needs watched the most with most detail.


I am thinking of an 8ch or 16ch system like a Q-see or Zmodo with 4 700TVl cameras to watch this frontage. I need to identify perps vehicles and people as they get out of vehicles. Also that area is where most action would take place like damaging my vehicles parked there or entering buildings.


I also want as many cameras as possible of the best quality I can afford to watch the doors, interior of buildings, and sides of buildings.


There is allot to watch to see what people do when there, but mostly only 200ft or so where they can arrive so that is where I really need the best camera's to identify them. Once they are identified on the property clearly I think a less quality video just showing what they tampered with or stole should be good enough till I can afford a much better system to identify them everywhere in high detail.


Help with what and where to buy it would be appreciated!


PLEASE, don't say wait till I can afford the better stuff as i NEED it now and can't afford the better stuff!


That property was broke into last month and the thieves were staying there and stealing stuff for 5 days! They stole gas from many of my vehicles which have been parked there for years. That is how I caught them! I drove up one day and they were trying to get their car started. Idiots stole gas from both tanks of a P/U truck I had parked in the shop 5years ago and it probably had bad gas then, they ruined their own car!

I had them arrested and pressing lots of charges, but of course our great legal system let them out for now. At least one of them showed back up and busted out the side window of a van since then.


6years or more everything been fine there till now! I haven't been there much for 2 years do to travels and health problems and in a rural area, so they figured it an easy target!


Another thing I need a system for right away is I do stay there for a few days at times. If they show up and I catch them some night I don't know what they may do. I fully intend to use deadly force to protect myself if needed, any type of camera to show they made a threatening move towards me would be a good thing to have!

They now know I have no phone there and cell phone does not work either because the day I caught them my wife had to go down the road to neighbors to call police for me!

So they know I can't call the police, and I can't bluff them that I already called and police on the way either. So it's defend myself if they try to attack and with a bad leg/hip and back I can't whoop but hand to hand like I once could. That leaves me with fire arms as my best option for self-defense!

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There are tonns of offers for simple system on alibaba or aliexpress. 4 Analog cameras + DVR box + cables. I don't see a problem. And guess what - it wan't be low quality cheapest solution either, you just need to do small research on what is offered there.

You may look for Dahua or it's OEM in your region it will be sold at good price I believe, as they are cheap and quality is above the Extremely cheap offers of unknown brand Asian analog cameras that my email box is full of.

But with this budget - don't even think about IP solution.

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You should do things in a different order. First, install a phone there. If it is just property damage then insurance will cover it, but if they might attack you and and your wife (or maybe your wife alone with you gone for a haircut or something) then reliable 911 service should be your first priority. Then probably an alarm system connected to your phone line to notify of breakins, fires, etc. You might add cheap driveway alarms (wireless motion sensors) at the entranceway and near your vehicles to notify you of intruders when you're there, or hook some better ones into your alarm system for remote notifications. The outdoor ones probably shouldn't notify police, just call or email you. Then cameras. Consider that cameras won't do a bit of good if they have days to notice your cameras, break in, steal the DVR, and then burn the place down to ensure that they didn't miss anything. Cameras are nice but are part of a total protection package. You need phone service and backup in the form of police before cameras. I've got some good friends named Winchester and some of my buddies are Savages, but your BEST friends wear uniforms.

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I hate to tell you no CCTV, alarm, or access control system can stop someone from harming you, they can act as a strong deterrent but can not stop. Being able to call the police would be a great option to have, however the police usually only show up to late.


I don't know how you feel about firearms, and usually I don't advocate people turn to firearms for the sole purpose of self defense, however this seems like this may be a viable option should you find yourself in a situation where you are up against 1 or more combative assailants.

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