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Looking for an adaptable DVR - or an alternate solution

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Hi all, new here and probably a novice as such things are judged. I have a problem that months of googleing, and support tickets have not been able to provide a solution for, so I'm hoping one of you experts knows of a fix.


What I need, in essence, is a DVR that allows for screen shots, along with video recording, at least 16 channels, and remote access to all.

Now, those things are common. The AVTECH DVRS we use now do all of that well. The rub is that I need the screen shots to be triggered, and accessible by a secondary piece of software. The software isn't written yet - We just need a DVR that can allow software to log in, and do what it needs to do.


Example to make it simple - let's say that this software is a cash register/point of sale system; and I'd like it to trigger a screen shot whenever a certain type of sale is made, and then download the screenshot so it can be compiled later into a spreadsheet compiled by the software - for a quick loss prevention audit.


Again - I have someone that can custom write software such as this. The problem is finding a DVR that will allow it to work. I know there are plenty of options that allow for remote viewing through a web browser, but this present problems, as a captcha is usually used when logging in(and we want this to be done by software), and also because that would require a server set up running the script that logs into the dvrs and snaps pics - probably one per dvr.

It should be doable by the POS software/machine alone - if we can find the right DVR, adaptable to our needs. Unfortunately, none of the sales people from any of the companies I have contacted seem to understand what I need at all.. they just send me spec sheets to avoid tell me 'I dont know'.


So, if any of you do know - or know where I can go to find someone who does - any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Call up the DVR manufacture and see if they have any publicly available API's for interfacing software with their systems. Another option would be to have the DVR FTP the stills to an FTP site and work with them from there.

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