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external PIR input confusion

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This is from the IP cam manual:

I/O: Connect your external devices, e.g., sensor and alarms to the corresponding I/O terminal block.

The pins of the I/O terminal block controls the following signals:

1 GND Ground (electricity) in electrical circuits.

2 ALM-Out Connect to device that responds to alarm signals.

The camera uses an NMOS transistor with source connected to GND. If used

with an external relay, a diode must be connected in parallel with the load to

protect against transient voltages.

3 ALM-IN - Connect to device that triggers alarm signals. Connect to external power

source negative side (0V) to activate.

4 ALM-IN + Connect to device that triggers alarm signals.

Connect to external power source positive side (3.3V~5V) to activate.


I have a external PIR sensor which has a N/C relay switch output. How do I connect this into the above pins on the IP cam?

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You connect it to the ALM-IN+ and ALM-IN-


You might have to check the camera settings to tell it that the input is NC (normally closed), or see if there is a jumper on the PIR so you can set it to NO (normally open).

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tried that. the only way I can get the external alarm ports to trigger is to put +5V into the ALM-IN+ and ALM-IN- ports


Quite a strange camera...

If you just connect a cable from ALM-IN+ to ALM-IN- it does not trigger the alarm? So it needs (3.3V~5V) to activate? Guess that you will have to take the 5V through the PIR then...?

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Its my first IP cam, I'm not 100% sure what I'm doing, but yeah it doesn't make sense. Its a Messoa NCC800. My external PIR sensor is 12V so I'm not sure if I can just put 12V into it either.

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